I found out that Software First do them but none in stock. I may need
to buy something else?
Any recommendation?
1) Must be FF
2) Not bothered about pedals, I use separate MS pedals
3) I am used to gear shift paddles, specifically where I can
pull forward to change up, flick back to change down -
I could learn a new technique but would rather not have
to, there ain't enough hours in the day as it is.
I often see the "what is the best wheel" question asked but have
never really paid much attention as I've been happy with the ACT
Labs and this is often the answer given to those sorts of questions.
I think I heard good things about the GUILLEMOT FERRARI FF
wheel, any one got one care to comment?
Specifically about gearshift options?
Can it operate like 3) above
I can get the new Logitech WingMan Formula Force GP wheel. I
know it's supposed to be inferior to the old model but would this
suit my option 3) above.
Anyone else any FF wheel recommendation?
A ny help & advice very much appreciated.