> says...
> > Has anybody tried or currently using the upgrade chip by AMD and another
> > by Evergreen (I think) to boost a AMD DX4 100 to a pentium 133? I've seen
> > these chips for around $100 and was wondering if it's a fair upgrade or a
> > total waste if they even work at all... Any suggestion/ comments would sure
> > be appreciated.
> > Current system:
> > AMD DX4
> > 16 Meg RAM
> > Diamond Stealth 64 VLB 1Meg
> > USR 33.6
> > SB 16 Pro
> > Win 95 (have to be in DOS mode to run NASCAR)
> > ect. ect.
> > I am able to run NASCAR1 in DOS mode with:
> > Grandstands on (no crowd)
> > Car texture on
> > Track Lines/ Skid marks on
> > 25 cars (7ahead 3behind)
> > 3 cars heard
> > My Goal/Dream/wet my pants desire is to run NAS2 with at least the above
> > options on but would really love to be up there with the rendition group.
> > Ah- life is but a dream... Anyhow, I can (weasle out) afford $250-$300.
> > Without to many laughs at me what are my best options.
> > Thanks,
> > Roger F.
> > R. Faust
> > aka Xducer
Roger, I'm not familiar with that chip, however, should it do what they
say... then how could you go wrong? Perhaps you can buy it locally at a
reputable firm that stands behind their products they sell, and if it
*doesn't* perform as claimed... refund?
Also, have you considered a used Pentium system? Perhaps you wouldn't
be able to reach for a "top of the line"... but could you perhaps find a
good value that way? I hope to have a used "partial" P75 system to sell
soon, but that wouldn't help... you're wanting to go faster than that,
and I can't blame you! As for N2 on the possible upgraded machine you
stated. I race N2 on my current machine (the above mentioned P75), but
as a rule, to keep "chop" to a minimum, I can only run:
draw 8 cars ahead, 2 behind, hear 3
Draw stripes and skid marks (these help me to establish turn/brake
points, etc)
Car textures on.
As for the rest of the "eye candy"... notta. Zip. Nothing. If I try for
stands, no crowd... here comes the slide show.
So, as you can see, if you get to that P133 benchmark... you should be
able to do what you're hoping for.
As for worrying about getting "too many laughs"...anybody on this r.a.s.
that does do so... well... that person just showed their ignorance.
Hey, making our $$ stretch and getting more bang for the buck? That's
nothing to laugh at, that's smart.
God Bless,