Ya gotta ask yerself: if the Xbox is where it's at, how come it lost MS one
BILLION dollars last near (and is projected to lose $2bn this year). OTOH,
the PS2's contribution to Sony's bottom line is 60% (and considering how
deep Sony is into TVs, cell phones, Hollywood studios, the music biz, etc.,
that's nothing short of astonishing). Fearless prediction: MS is taking the
Xbox upscale - aiming to make the Xbox2 a set-top box that will be a
living-room replacement for the PC, "converging" games, TV, music, and
Internet access (remember WebTV?), where they'll be able to hide the
$$$-hemorraghing games division's losses. If you hate PCs, this is a Good
Thing. As a car guy, tho, I'm looking forward to the PS3/GT4 combination
(which should also put the kibosh on rampant cheating).
--Robbie Bach
> > > then again, you can get online with PS2 also, and you can always play
> > > right now online, or wait for GT4 - online, that will be kickass :)
> > SOCOM is littered with people who cheat, and then you have a mix of
> > 56K'ers and people on broadband. On Xbox Live you have Ghost Recon
> > MotoGP, NBA2K, NFL2k, NHL2K, Unreal as well as the upcoming Project
> > Gotham Racing 2. As far as online play, the PS2 can't hold a candle to
> > Xbox.
> Agreed. PS2 online strategy is applying a band-aid to an amputation (the
> disgusting analogy for too little too late). SOCOM is a poor man's
> of Ghost Recon (or any Clancy tactical shooter). Xbox was designed from
> ground up to be online and it's a very impressive implementation of that
> strategy. The one thing that kills me is the lack of a proper FF wheel.
> Let's hope the wheel is in development and waiting for simultaneous
> with a killer game that will sell the wheel as GT3 sold Logitech wheels.
> Perhaps PGR2 which will have XBL support and a greater emphasis on
> --
> Joe M.