Why is it stupid?
Have you ever tried pulling on the reins to make a horse go faster <G>
Forward for faster forward and back for slower seems logical to me. After
all, you push forward on the gas to go faster dontcha :-)
Why is it stupid?
Have you ever tried pulling on the reins to make a horse go faster <G>
Forward for faster forward and back for slower seems logical to me. After
all, you push forward on the gas to go faster dontcha :-)
>> The stupid thing is that you have to push forward to gear up. The
>> resarch must be really really bad to make a solution like this, and the
>> this is that many manufacturers have it this way. Plain stupid....
>Why is it stupid?
>Have you ever tried pulling on the reins to make a horse go faster <G>
>Forward for faster forward and back for slower seems logical to me. After
>all, you push forward on the gas to go faster dontcha :-)
> >> The stupid thing is that you have to push forward to gear up. The
> >> resarch must be really really bad to make a solution like this, and the
> >worst
> >> this is that many manufacturers have it this way. Plain stupid....
> >Why is it stupid?
> >Have you ever tried pulling on the reins to make a horse go faster <G>
> >Forward for faster forward and back for slower seems logical to me. After
> >all, you push forward on the gas to go faster dontcha :-)
> >MS
> and you push forward on the brake pedal to go slower
> To email me remove the "u"s
But I should admit that on my old T2 I also had the shifter set to
puch/up and pull/down.
// Johan
> you're in a car with crazy-ass horsepower screamin' on the acceleration. I
> don't know how many g's that is pulling everything back into your seat, but
> its enough to be noticeable :). Now which would you rather be doing?
> pulling back with this force (ie. the force helping you shift) or fighting
> it by having to push forward. Now consider the g's encountered under
> braking with the same argument.
> that's the reason told to me, but even if that's still wrong, that is the
> way they do it. back-upshift, forward-downshift
> speedracer
> > On Wed, 24 Nov 1999 17:28:39 -0000, "Mark Seery"
> > >> The stupid thing is that you have to push forward to gear up. The
> > >> resarch must be really really bad to make a solution like this, and the
> > >worst
> > >> this is that many manufacturers have it this way. Plain stupid....
> > >Why is it stupid?
> > >Have you ever tried pulling on the reins to make a horse go faster <G>
> > >Forward for faster forward and back for slower seems logical to me. After
> > >all, you push forward on the gas to go faster dontcha :-)
> > >MS
> > and you push forward on the brake pedal to go slower
> > To email me remove the "u"s
> I'd say... may the force be with you.
> But I should admit that on my old T2 I also had the shifter set to
> puch/up and pull/down.
> // Johan
> > you're in a car with crazy-ass horsepower screamin' on the acceleration. I
> > don't know how many g's that is pulling everything back into your seat, but
> > its enough to be noticeable :). Now which would you rather be doing?
> > pulling back with this force (ie. the force helping you shift) or fighting
> > it by having to push forward. Now consider the g's encountered under
> > braking with the same argument.
> > that's the reason told to me, but even if that's still wrong, that is the
> > way they do it. back-upshift, forward-downshift
> > speedracer
> > > On Wed, 24 Nov 1999 17:28:39 -0000, "Mark Seery"
> > > >> The stupid thing is that you have to push forward to gear up. The
> > > >> resarch must be really really bad to make a solution like this, and the
> > > >worst
> > > >> this is that many manufacturers have it this way. Plain stupid....
> > > >Why is it stupid?
> > > >Have you ever tried pulling on the reins to make a horse go faster <G>
> > > >Forward for faster forward and back for slower seems logical to me. After
> > > >all, you push forward on the gas to go faster dontcha :-)
> > > >MS
> > > and you push forward on the brake pedal to go slower
> > > To email me remove the "u"s