Simple shifter question

Mark Seer

Simple shifter question

by Mark Seer » Thu, 25 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Why is it stupid?
Have you ever tried pulling on the reins to make a horse go faster  <G>

Forward for faster forward and back for slower seems logical to me. After
all, you push forward on the gas to go faster dontcha :-)



Simple shifter question

by Rand » Fri, 26 Nov 1999 04:00:00

On Wed, 24 Nov 1999 17:28:39 -0000, "Mark Seery"

>>  The stupid thing is that you have to push forward to gear up. The
>> resarch must be really really bad to make a solution like this, and the
>> this is that many manufacturers have it this way. Plain stupid....

>Why is it stupid?
>Have you ever tried pulling on the reins to make a horse go faster  <G>

>Forward for faster forward and back for slower seems logical to me. After
>all, you push forward on the gas to go faster dontcha :-)


and you push forward on the brake pedal to go slower
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Simple shifter question

by c » Fri, 26 Nov 1999 04:00:00

you're in a car with crazy-ass horsepower screamin' on the acceleration.  I
don't know how many g's that is pulling everything back into your seat, but
its enough to be noticeable :).  Now which would you rather be doing?
pulling back with this force (ie. the force helping you shift) or fighting
it by having to push forward.  Now consider the g's encountered under
braking with the same argument.
that's the reason told to me, but even if that's still wrong, that is the
way they do it.  back-upshift, forward-downshift


> On Wed, 24 Nov 1999 17:28:39 -0000, "Mark Seery"

> >>  The stupid thing is that you have to push forward to gear up. The
> >> resarch must be really really bad to make a solution like this, and the
> >worst
> >> this is that many manufacturers have it this way. Plain stupid....

> >Why is it stupid?
> >Have you ever tried pulling on the reins to make a horse go faster  <G>

> >Forward for faster forward and back for slower seems logical to me. After
> >all, you push forward on the gas to go faster dontcha :-)

> >MS

> and you push forward on the brake pedal to go slower
> To email me remove the "u"s

Johan Foedere

Simple shifter question

by Johan Foedere » Sat, 27 Nov 1999 04:00:00

I'd say... may the force be with you.

But I should admit that on my old T2 I also had the shifter set to
puch/up and pull/down.

// Johan

> you're in a car with crazy-ass horsepower screamin' on the acceleration.  I
> don't know how many g's that is pulling everything back into your seat, but
> its enough to be noticeable :).  Now which would you rather be doing?
> pulling back with this force (ie. the force helping you shift) or fighting
> it by having to push forward.  Now consider the g's encountered under
> braking with the same argument.
> that's the reason told to me, but even if that's still wrong, that is the
> way they do it.  back-upshift, forward-downshift

> speedracer

> > On Wed, 24 Nov 1999 17:28:39 -0000, "Mark Seery"

> > >>  The stupid thing is that you have to push forward to gear up. The
> > >> resarch must be really really bad to make a solution like this, and the
> > >worst
> > >> this is that many manufacturers have it this way. Plain stupid....

> > >Why is it stupid?
> > >Have you ever tried pulling on the reins to make a horse go faster  <G>

> > >Forward for faster forward and back for slower seems logical to me. After
> > >all, you push forward on the gas to go faster dontcha :-)

> > >MS

> > and you push forward on the brake pedal to go slower
> > To email me remove the "u"s

Douglas Elliso

Simple shifter question

by Douglas Elliso » Sat, 27 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Normally, it's pull to go up, push to go down, but the Volvo BTCC
Touring car had it the other way around...


> I'd say... may the force be with you.

> But I should admit that on my old T2 I also had the shifter set to
> puch/up and pull/down.

> // Johan

> > you're in a car with crazy-ass horsepower screamin' on the acceleration.  I
> > don't know how many g's that is pulling everything back into your seat, but
> > its enough to be noticeable :).  Now which would you rather be doing?
> > pulling back with this force (ie. the force helping you shift) or fighting
> > it by having to push forward.  Now consider the g's encountered under
> > braking with the same argument.
> > that's the reason told to me, but even if that's still wrong, that is the
> > way they do it.  back-upshift, forward-downshift

> > speedracer

> > > On Wed, 24 Nov 1999 17:28:39 -0000, "Mark Seery"

> > > >>  The stupid thing is that you have to push forward to gear up. The
> > > >> resarch must be really really bad to make a solution like this, and the
> > > >worst
> > > >> this is that many manufacturers have it this way. Plain stupid....

> > > >Why is it stupid?
> > > >Have you ever tried pulling on the reins to make a horse go faster  <G>

> > > >Forward for faster forward and back for slower seems logical to me. After
> > > >all, you push forward on the gas to go faster dontcha :-)

> > > >MS

> > > and you push forward on the brake pedal to go slower
> > > To email me remove the "u"s

Glenn Andresse

Simple shifter question

by Glenn Andresse » Sun, 28 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Actually, the real cars do use paddles for gear change. The buttons on
F1 wheels perform other functions.


>  However, the real cars don't use paddles but buttons.  There
> is a paddle clutch, but we don't need to worry about that for your purposes. is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.