> Last week I finally purchased ICR2 and a Gravis professional joystick.
>So I'm new to both the game and using a joystick.
> I'm finding it very hard to control the car at high speeds. With this stick
>I'm always over correcting. Is there a much better joystick on the market, or
>is a wheel the only way to go?
> My son is also interested in the flight sims., so a joystick is really our best
>(only) solution.
> Thanks for any help,
>Joel Willstein
I did the same thing as you did except I bought the CH Flightstick Pro
instead of the Gravis. I've never tried the Gravis Joystick but does
it have a lot of travel? Joysticks with a lot of travel are very good
for racing sims. Wheels are definitely not the only way to go. They
are more comfortable and realistic but a good joystick will usually
give you the same lap times as a wheel.
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