>>I tried both my V2 and my main graphics card, a 3dlabs VX1, which uses
>>Opengl. The opengl is much better then thV2 in this sim. I was really
>>surprised that Opengl was that good after it fae iled so miserably in GPL. I'm
>>now looking forward to more opengl titles. I use the VX1 for my cad program.
>>I keep the V2 for games that use glide. I still use a PII-400 <g> I don't
>>have everything turned on, but it looks fine witht he default setting. A
>>little dark, but other than that, not too bad.
>I hate to break the news to you, but F1-2000 doesn't
>support OpenGL. It uses Direct3D.
> >I tried both my V2 and my main graphics card, a 3dlabs VX1, which uses
> >Opengl. The opengl is much better then thV2 in this sim. I was really
> >surprised that Opengl was that good after it fae iled so miserably in
GPL. I'm
> >now looking forward to more opengl titles. I use the VX1 for my cad
> >I keep the V2 for games that use glide. I still use a PII-400 <g> I don't
> >have everything turned on, but it looks fine witht he default setting. A
> >little dark, but other than that, not too bad.
> >Tore
> I hate to break the news to you, but F1-2000 doesn't
> support OpenGL. It uses Direct3D.
> >> I can't believe the graphics are this bad, there doesn't seem anything
> >very
> >> special about the game that needs mega power I'm running with PIII450
> >> 12mb Voodoo 2 SLI and its awful frame rate, any idea's ?? I'm glad I
> >checked
> >> the warez version first shout at me if you like but if a company
> >it
> >> made a winner it shouldn't mind letting us see a demo first IMHO.
> --
> * rrev at mindspring dot com *
"> I hate to break the news to you, but F1-2000 doesn't