I presume you've fixed the graphics settings in the game on..... they
usually are no when you begin and there are a lot to turn on.....
I presume you've fixed the graphics settings in the game on..... they
usually are no when you begin and there are a lot to turn on.....
When i'm running F12k in direct 3d mode at 1024 x 768 the game looks like
All the views in the car are very blocky & pixelated. the smoke has a
rectangular looking grid pattern to it. frame rate is shit. I thought it was
running in software mode until I tested it and found out it wasn't. EA
Sports Suberbike2000 runs under the same system at 1280x1024 and looks &
runs perfectly.
So have I setup something wrong in the Game???
My in game play looks nothing like the screenshots I've seen of this sim so
I'm using the 1.06 patch on it didn't fix anything.
I've run out of ideas..........any suggestions?.......cause I'm about to
return it.