1.) Shifting problem- When I up or down shift, it will occasionally skip a
gear. For example, when approaching a turn I will ds from 4th to 3rd but it
will instead go into 2nd. It will also skip during an upshift. I have all of
the driver aids turned off except auto clutch. I am using a MS Sidewinder FF
and originally thought my switches were wearing out but the problem
continued after I remapped the controls from using the flippers to using 2
of the front buttons. The wheel is several years old but I don't think the
wheel is the problem- GTR is the only sim where I have this problem. I
checked the "hold shift button" ( or whatever it is labeled) in the options
menu thinking that might have something to do with it but still no luck.
2.) Significant Frame stutter at Spa on the front stretch. I know this is a
graphics issue but I have a P4 2.6 Gig with a 256 MB video card, so I should
be able to turn the detail fairly high without a significant loss.
Any ideas??
Thanks, Timmy