to that none of us have been able to
do. It just shows the great job you all are doing at the NPRL.ORG. Getting
hard cash from Sierra wasnt easy
and it just shows the professionalism you have achieved at NPRL.ORG. Keep
up the good work and we hope
you all the sucess in the future. And I read you had EA bidding for your
services as well. That is surely an
envisious position to be in..
Don Wilshe,
=========================================================================== The following annoucement was made from the front page of From: Cobra has been holding out information all along. He's been working his buns
off getting us sponsors and has got us a real winner, believe it or not, he
has Sierra showing their approval and devotion to us and is given us the
funds for our next trophy races. Cobra and I are going down to pick it out
tomorrow (10/18/2002) morning. Taking the digital camera so we can display
it on our sites. All the hard work and fine quality we've shown the racing
community is starting to show some income of some real currency. As time
goes on, think we'll start seeing even more sponsors. Remember to put the
Sierra's logo on your cars, and on the ILS shootout cars to show Sierra that
we are doing the advertising that they've paid for. Thanks for your funds
Sierra, and it will take a lot more than what EA has to offer for us to
leave Sierra and their NASCAR sim-racing games. Things are happening and
happening fast. At times it too much to keep up with. It's so exciting, we
can't turn our backs on it now. Thanks for doing your homework and making
this happen, Cobra.