>> Definately one of my favorites. I've sunk probably $200 into the one in
>> Tempe AZ!
>> Todd Wasson
>I love that thing...first time I played it (you're talkin about the AZ
>Mills Gameworks right?) they didn't have it hooked up multi-player but
>apparently they do now...and if you really wanna have fun, go get a 2
>hour card =)
>Kirk Lane
Yep, that's the one. Did the 1 and 2 hour game cards before and had a blast.
I recently moved to Minnesota, so can't play there anymore. However, now I
can play the Silicon Speedway Nascar game at Mall of America! OOOoooohh!
Very hot. Really eats up the $$.
Multiplayer is definately cool on F-355. They finally got that set up. Was
waiting for a while there. My initials on the AZ Mills game are TOD. Next
time ya go, see if I'm still #1 on any tracks and let me know :-)
Todd Wasson (Happily boasting)