Here's what to do:
Whilst in GPL, press "PrintScr" on your keyboard to take a snapshot of the
current screen. Exit the program, and go to DOS. Find the gpl directory, and
type: dir *.pbf - this will list all pbf files in the directory. (If you've
taken more than one "screenshot", then there will be multiple .pbf files:
gplss01, gplss02, gplss03..) Then type "PBF2TGA filename.PBF mygplpic"
(where "filename" is the name of the pbf file, and "mygplpic" is the name of
the image you are creating.) The resulting image will be in TGA format, so
to put on a webpage, or send to a friend, it would be best to convert using
a graphics app into a JPG file as the TGA's are VERY large. There you go!
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>Paul Ryder wrote
>GPL Comes with the conversion program
How does this converter work...there are no details on how to use it?
Only reference to this are in the Read me file???