Let's hope that GTL will not be as sloppy as GTR. An illogical interface
combined with unexplained crashes and poor multiplayer, maybe GTL will fare
Seeing that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow will oftentimes produce a
flakey product.
Ive never experienced a CTD once in many months with GTR. The online code
isnt nearly as bad as the peanut gallery says either. You can actually
touch another car and not shoot off the track. Is it perfect? No but what
has been? Nothing.....
Perhaps the single biggest problem with GTR is it requires extreme skill on
both PC setup side and the driving a racecar side. If you dont have these
skills you will crash allot. Both the PC and the Car ;)
Kind sir, I've run GTR for many months now. I don't recall saying the game
sucked. What I said was that it was rushed, the interface is illogical, it
crashes without reason, and the multiplayer is very, very poor.
Again, my kind sir. I'm not the best of drivers but I'm no neophyte,
either. I never mentioned crashing the cars a lot. I run the game in
Simulation mode and don't often crash and get decent times. About the
multiplayer, try once comparing it to LFS S2's MP code. Every server I've
been on when racing GTR, with cars between 15 and up, has been a lagfest.
You're just kidding yourself and taking that
GPL-is-king-and-nothing-else-matters mindset, if you think GTR wasn't
The interface while not artwork isnt enough of a problem to complain about.
I dont buy a racing game to use the menu system. Does it work? Id say yes.
Ive run GTR on 3 machines with varying hardware and havent had so much as a
hiccup. Cant hold Simbin responsible for improperly configured hardware or
OS. Not a valid complaint in my book. "Random Crashing" isnt enough to
apply blame to Simbin.
Multi simply is not "Poor". I go back long enough to remember what "poor
multi" really is. Find a decent nearby server and the multi on racemore is
papy-like if not better in some ways. At least a slight touch doesnt send
the other into the wall every time. Is it perfect? No is it poor? No.
I have terrible quality from the racemore and 10acle servers myself but can
usually find a US server that works very well. Finding decent drivers that
can complete more than 1 lap without crashing is a problem :)
GTR for many months now. I don't recall saying the game
Never had a CTD here either.
I guess we have come to expect continual improvements in all areas and
this is where it falls short, it fails to equal other sims in this area
yet we all know this has been a problem in this engine and it will take
a significant step to get it on par.
GTR has many good qualities and I would hope to see it evolve. I see no
mileage in rubbishing one product over another. LFS S2 is a prime
example where the development is a significant step forward. Lets hope
GTL can take GTR forward.
> screenies...
Cheers, uwe
GPG Fingerprint: 2E 13 20 22 9A 3F 63 7F 67 6F E9 B1 A8 36 A4 61
Here's a few facts about the multi -
1 FPS bug
Bizzare starts with pace cars causing havoc and being unable to see the
start lights at many tracks
Pitiful results files that completely forget anyone who discoes
No reconnect after disco
If you do a pb in qual, the only way to save a replay is to exit the server.
Upon return (assuming you have time b4 the race), your time is lost from the
Weather change screwups
The server runs at full bandwidth even with no drivers on it
Dedicated servers need to run via Simbin's lobby which can reset and stuff
every race being run at the time.
Oh, but lets not forget the huge novelty of of being able to bump into
each other a bit! LOL
GTR multi IS***poor! Simbin/10tacle/EA stink like shit.
Yes, seen that
Disabling the pace car and using standing starts is a workaround. Starting
lights still not visible on some tracks :(
True. This should be in every multiplayer game...
Specially with the new DX server
Yep, when simbins lobby goes down, every client on every multiplayer server
disconnects regardless of using lobby or not. This is a truly WTF bug, very
poorly designed multiplayer to have clients constantly checking if the lobby
is still there or not..
The worst bug you totally forgot is the speedbug - a syncronization problem
in multiplayer, where a player gets very fast laptimes, and when he is told
to reconnect, someone else disconnects/gets a ctd / frozen screen too when
he goes to reconnect.
Way to go Simbin... when is the next patch due? yawn..
Not to say that there is a good racing experience with GTR online, but
multiplayer, as a technical term, currently almost totally sucks, mainly
because of the numerous and totally bizarre and irritating bugs.
Mika Takala
Thanks for that Mika. I knew about this one but had not heard of it
since 1.4 - gave them the benefit of the doubt. Who was I kidding! :)