select in the Wingman Profiler to have it do nothing to the linearity and
Every time I've loaded the Profiler with previous releases, it has screwed
up my GPL driving just enough that I fall off the track even more than
usual. This hasn't been too big of a problem in the past, because I didn't
need anything the Profiler did too badly. Although I did miss those shifted
buttons to make lengthy apologies for crashing into people, without having
to stop and type....
But now the Profiler now has the ability to set combined and separate pedals
for each game. This would be real handy since I'm running GP 500 (can't use
separate pedal axis), and GPL (need separate pedal axis). But I don't want
it introducing non-linearity in the controls, which is what the Sensitivity
setting in the Profiler seems to do no matter where I put it.
Any suggestions?
Kevin Caldwell
Calgary, Canada