> >>> I can't even run ZA when playing OFFLINE. It simply doesn't
> >>> work with GPL
> >>on
> >>> my system. :(
> >>Now that's really weird. ZA only causes problems for me online.
> >>Offline it's np at all.
> > I never said I was NORMAL, Rob...<g>
> > Eldred
> Are you both talking about the free version of ZA, or are you talking
> about ZA Pro? (the one you pay for). It may be that you have differenct
> versions....
> I'm only curious, as I gave up on an earlier version of ZA (free) and
> switched to Tiny Personal Firewall (now Kerio).
now when playing ANY online game. It doesn't play nicely with Dark Age of
Camelot either.
I assume Eldred is using the free version too - he has to save his money to
buy EVERY driving game ever published, or so it seems. EP, do you have WSC
yet? It's awesome, you should buy it! Way better than GPL3! =)