quite sometime to do this, so please do at least take a quick look thru
it.... you might learn something! :-)
Seeing I'm the one being "blamed" for ruining "all and everything" with
regards RASCAR here lately.... ;-) I think it's time to put the facts
straight before I go away....
First and foremost - I do *not* want to ruin RASCAR - nor do I want anyone
to "work" any harder / more than they allready are... I am very thankful
that Eldred host these races and I'm honored the he allow me to take part in
them. Eldred is what I woud call as a 'Gentlemen-racer' - on par with the
likes of Rob Walker. A very friendly person that goes to great lenghts to
lend a hand - simply because he enjoys it. He might not be the fastest
driver out there, but he *is* out there - enjoying himself - I hope :-)
I actually took it for granted that Eldred knew that I had no plans on
putting more load on him or to in anyway ruin any of this. Like Eldred
stated - this 'rulebook' issue is not new.... Infact I wrote those
[*proposed*] rules almost a month ago, but due to lack of time - I've not
been able to particeipate in the races or the discussion... I told Eldred
I'd have a look at this some months ago... and the fact that it all surfaced
now is just a coincident...- well almost as there was something that
'triggered' me to bring it up again, but that's another story.
Okey... let's move on...
I dont know if common for you guys - but I for one always download the
server replay and review the races I've particeipated in... sometimes I can
use an hour or so whatching the race - trying to learn something new or to
understand why it went wrong..... Sometimes I even spend 2-3 maybe 4 hours
('cause the damn replay-editor keep crashing on me!) editing the highlights
from the race.... so that those with lesser connections might be able to
see some of the serverside too..
I also hoped that we - the drivers - could gain something from watching
these.... but it doesnt seemed to have helped much yet... Okey so I've
only posted two races (I got Pocono here too - but never posted it) - but
nonetheless - there's atleast a few 'bonehead' moves in 'em. that deserve a
remark or two..
Anyway, back to this rulebook business..... [here he go again!] :-)
It might be that people misunderstand what I mean by having a set rules and
how simply we could enforce them....
There is no need for any post race scrutineering of replays - (although I
always do this anyway...) nor is there any need for penalties... we can make
this work without much work at all. What is needed though is that we go
away from the open race format and over to a invite list - whilch shouldnt
be a problem for drivers anyway...
If we look thru the races run so far i'm pretty sure you'll find that
something close to 80% of the drivers attend more or less regularely...
Beside.. if a driver want to get his name on the list - all he has to do is
The whole point with this list is that it's easy to control who can join the
races or more importantly - who can't!
What we need is a short set of rules that can be easily marshalled - by
So whenever someone break a rule - it's up to his fellow drivers to tell him
or tell *on* him... Meaning that if some jump the start or pass "under
yellow" you let him (and the rest of us) know you've seen it.. First time
will be a warning, second and third time might be worse...we could then
either ask him to do a drive thru during the race/next yellow.... should he
still not get the message he might get kicked off the server... If we to
make 2 - 3 maybe 4 drivers 'race-bosses' this culd be solved so easily...
Penalties might sound harsh..... but IMO they are needed to get the message
thru to people.. The whole point here is to make people aware or the rules
and see to it that they stick by 'em... Meaning that a driver who has
"received" a warning once - should not need to receive another.... if he
does - he clearly dont want to play by the rules and deserve to face the
penalty for it...
The point here is that it's up to us to monitor all of this - and I am sure
we will notice if this 'get out of hand' Once we've heard/seen that 'driver
X' been told time and again; he cant to that - we can easily judge what kind
of driver this is and remove him from the invitelist if thats needed. The
bottom line here is that it's up to each and every driver to stick by the
rules... He might accidentally pass someone he shouldn't - but he can just
as easily "undo" the pass and fall behind again.... without any penalties or
warnings - problem solved! It really should not be necessary to kick or ban
any drivers at all..... The sole point here is to make drivers aware of the
rules and that they cannot break them without anyone noticing it.... Why is
that?, you say - ?
Well...put simply - the rules we need are for situations with more then 1
driver so there's always an extra pair of eyes that can tell.... Should he
decide not to tell - then it's his loss....
So what types of rules do we need then??????
Well... I've made my suggestions heard..... although not all of 'em are
equally important to me.... Some of you seem to think of every reason there
possibly could be as to why we cant or should't do or deny a thing - instead
of at least be willing to give it a try.... It can't hurt to try - can
Okey, so forced cockpit view might not be that important - althought I've
never used anything else myself - and I have never - with the exception of
at Sears Point - had *any* problems with it - wrecked car or not....
Anyway if people want to race from the hood - please do.... But atleast
turn on the "interior" in your mirror so you know when a car is along side
What rules we should have is up to us all... all I'm interrested in is
better - cleaner and more "safe" racing... I want to have fun and enjoy the
racing - just like everyone else...
I do think we should have a no-passing until the back straight on starts and
I *know* we should stop racing back to the yellow.... - those are my
views... what get's decided is up to you guys now... I'm leaving for
Brazil on friday morning and I'll be gone for 3 weeks.... whilch probably
means that by the time I get back - something has been decided... either by
you or by Eldred.
Before I go though.... I would like offer some insight to our
Over the last few days - I've spendt 10+ hours or so reviewing the server
replays from the last 12 RASCAR races..... and seeing that the Americans
are so fond of statistics - I thought I might share this with you guys...
I've gathered this information from raced we run on Eldred server... Only
oval races with yellows on has been reviewed so this exclude Sears, The Glen
and the last race at Pocono... I hope this information will be an eyeopener
for some of you guys and that it will be of help when deciding upon whats
needed to be done... As you see - things are not as good as some might
think.. IMO.
As with all things there's probably a sampling error of a few precent
here... but I think and hope it's not more than 3-5%
- During the last 12 oval races we've run 1101 laps
- Of these laps 394 were run behind the pacecar - thats's over 35.7% of all
the laps.
- We've had 106 cautions, and if I got this correct - we only averaged 10
green laps between each yellow.
- Average no. of yellows pr. race : 8.83
- Average no. of cautionlaps pr. race: 32.83
I've looked at the incidents we 've had and I decided to define a incident
as follows: when a car hit another car of object before regaingin control -
that was one incident... No car "scored" more than 1 incident point before
the driver regained control os the car.. Meaning that if 'driver X' spun
and hit 2 cars - that counts as one incident. OTOH, if he spun hit one car -
regained *control* of the car and then hit another car 150m down the track -
that would count as two seperate incident. Also - if 1 car hit 2 others -
that again spun into 2 others - that would count as 1 single incident.. But
if 2 carshed into the same car(s) that would count as 2 single incidents....
get it?
Multiple "scores" is also possible - a car spining by itselft and then
collection another driver, got "scored" for both..
Looking thru all the incidents I found the following...
- Incidents while 'racing back to the yellow' : incredibly 80 (13)
- Incidents occuring during pace-laps : 37 (6)
- Accidents occuring on starts/restarts: 17 (6)
- Accidents caused by warping: 2 (9)
- Accidents involving a single car: 42
- Accidents caused by other reasons such as freeze: 6
- Cars being 'collected' by other [spinning cars] : 33 (3)
Number in brackets ( ) is additional incidents that I've classified as
'possible incidents' meaning they are a bit in the twiglight zone...
Racing back to the yellow was defined as being from the point when the
yellows were lit thru to Turn 1 after crossing the S/F line / taking the
flag. I've also tried to use some sense while judging who actually had a
chance of avoiding being collected or involved in the accident causing the
yellow too..
Incidents occuring on pacelaps include the distance from the pacecar collect
the field thru to the green flag being dropped.. Everything from an small
'bump' to cars being wrecked badly is counted for here... Deliberate bumps
have been dropped.
*Accidents* on starts/restarts is judge differently - these are just single
occuraces of an accident on the start - i.e we had an accident on 17
starts/restarts! Start/restart is defined as from the Green drops thru to
the B.S... Numbers in brackets include accidents occuring on the first
green lap too.... (i.e accidents occuring
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