: :I'm having intermittent performance problems with various Win95 games.
: :I understand the solution is to create a separate Win95 startup to be
: :used for games (i.e., analogous to a separate autoexec.bat file in
: :DOS). When I boot Windows asks which one I want to boot, my games
: :configuration or my normal one. My question is, how do I setup Win95
: :to do this?
: :
: Wrong group pal!!!!
Julian, chill out a little. Have a hard day at the track?
Anyway, this is a tip that Scott Marison of Papyrus posted about running
ICR2's Win95 version:
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Ok, I think I have some good news for people who experience jerky
behavior w/ ICR2...
As you might know from a previous post of mine, Dial-up networking
can causes pauses in the game (which might be causing the jerkiness).
There is also a known pause about 1 minute into the game, it was
even noted in the README file.
Using a suggestion here, I created a new hardware config that
doesn't load the dial-up networking driver (which I think most Win95
systems load by default, so this will pretty much apply to all Win95
users.) What I found is that I didn't experience any jerkyiness or
pause in the game! Not even the 1 minute pause... so, this might
help a lot of those who complain about the Win95 version's
First, determine if you even need to do this... Goto the control panel
and double-click on the System icon. Select the Device Manger tab,
and check under Network apapters. If "Dial-Up Adapter" appears
listed, then you will need to do the following... otherwise, stop here
and read another news article. ;-)
To create a non-network config:
1) Goto control panel and double-click on system icon.
2) Click on "Hardware Profiles" tab.
3) Press "Copy" button and name the new profile to something
like "No Network" or "No Dial-Up Networking"
4) Click on the "Device Manger" tab
5) Click on "Network adapters" and then select "Dial-Up Adaptor"
6) Press the "Properties" button.
7) In the section titled "Device usage", you should now have 2 configs
listed. One called "Original Configuration" and the other "No Dial-Up
Networking" (or whatever you called the copy you made in step 3 above)
8) Make sure the "Original config" has a checkmark next to it, and
then make sure "No Dial-Up networking" is NOT checked.
9) Hit OK.
10) Hit OK again.
11) Reboot. Windows, upon bootup, will ask which config to use. If you
are going to play ICR2/Win95 then select "No Dial-Up networking"...
otherwise select the "original config"
I hope this works for you!!! It seems to work better for me at least!
Scott Marison, Software Engineer
Sierra On-Line/Papyrus Division
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**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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