You should just quit sim racing then if it's so difficult for you.
>I know what you are saying, and it's not so much the mods fault as it is
>ISI's. Let me see if I can explain. There just seem to be fundamental
>problems that no one is fixing, and that no one is thinking about that
>makes online racing 10 times harder than online games of other genres.
> For example, in most other games, if you don't have the correct map, the
> game or server browser lets you know BEFORE you join the server. Yet in
> GTR, RFactor, etc, its a guessing game. In GTR it just listed the wrong
> track. In RFactor you just have to remember every version of every track
> you have installed. Why dont they just let the software do a simple check?
> The same could be done with mods. If I installed a mod three months ago,
> do you think I will remember what abbreviation and what version I had?
> There should be a standard numbering system, and RFactor should check
> whether it is installed or not before you join the race, or visually
> indicate it on the server browser.
> I have been playing racing games since Indy 500 and Papyrus was the only
> ones that didnt have their heads up their asses when it came to online
> racing. When you didnt have the right track, didnt it show up in red so
> you would know to download it? And the server browser only listed one mod
> at a time, so you had to have it installed already to join a race.
> Then there is the simple things the mod-makers could do. Why on earth do
> you have to buy a car. Why cant you get assigned a default car until you
> decide to change it... especially when the interface already shows a big
> giant car to you? Then as if everything online wasnt fractured enough,
> they included Cup cars and BGN cars.
> And what the hell is this "start in the trailer park in the infield"
> phenomenon. It adds nothing but frustration. Also the pit speed limit is
> like a secret they keep from you, it flashes on the corner of the screen
> for three seconds. Then I get on the track and I dont know what place I'm
> in, how I'm doing, how much time is left, who else is racing, it just
> feels so vague.
> When I play RFactor online I just feel so disconnected from everyone and
> everything. The interface is awful, and it doesnt give enough information.
> I mean, for gods sake, Papyrus has tackled so many of these issues
> already, but it's like ISI is ignorant of them. I'm sure theres stuff I'm
> leaving out, but its stuff like this that drives me crazy. I know mods are
> difficult to deal with but there are simple changes that could be made
> that could make this whole process a lot easier. Online *** is pretty
> mature (even with mods) in all other genres except this one and I cant
> figure out why.
> And dont forget, imagine someone new trying to get into this. I dont even
> bother introducing anyone to racing games anymore, because its just too
> tedious.
>> Timmy, if you have any specific problem I can help, I do & will try.
>> Yeah I know it is frustrating, just as frustrating as the new mods for
>> CALL OF DUTY, were. yeah it is better now.
>> No, I was being "smart assed" with quips like "go back to the console" at
>> the time I thought it was funny, inside joke ya know, and I truely am
>> sorry, maybe I should not post like that, albeit sometimes a guy has to
>> have fun, or he sits quietly in rage, reading and never helping.
>> Yeah, you do have a point, if you blindly "new dear in the headlight"
>> thoughts lead you to "huh, wha?" when you see a site like the Pits, with
>> mods for a lot of stuff. I look at it differently because I been
>> downloading thier stuff for oh I believe 7 years, probably as long as
>> they been around, ok? that "body of work" they leave up on the website
>> is kind of a trophy room of accomplishments, and I can guarantee you
>> there used to be a crapload more for some other sims too on that site.
>> SO FYI, the original TP_T_CC mod, was an add-on road course for NRXX, now
>> TP_S_CC it is add on 'Nextell Nascar' addon for rFactor, which is
>> inherntly a road racing game, (after patching rFactor to what is it,
>> 1150?). Trust me, I feel your pain. I have been where you are at each
>> and every time I want to get a mod for something, even rFactor.
>> Difference is 2 fold, I read and read and read, where I can to figure
>> stuff out. and when I cant comprehend the written, I get on Teamspeak
>> and beg for help, very humbly
>> I dont mind you asking for help, I dont even mind you bellyache'n about
>> the strife you entail when doing so, and how crappy you think all of this
>> is at this point in time. But, It pisses me off to see the "tone" you
>> put off on all this great, free, and mostly well worthy mods ands stuff,
>> so please dont mind me slaggin off in little bits, to you. You opened
>> the door, pissin and moaning, so I'll be fine, after all it is just fun.
>> To your point about hunting this stuff down,
>> Oh and beyotching about there bing updates is like being pissed that the
>> clouds cleared up and the sun came out, aint it? especially when they
>> achieved an improvement?
>> Lastly, they went to a lot of work, you know creating the mod, testing
>> uploading, fixing, then you download for free, dont you suppose you could
>> honor thier hard work, by having just a little bit of work to do to enjoy
>> it, for free? I dont just mean TPSCC I mean any mod.