new to Nascar sim racing, you did a lot better than many, many vets I know
in the same situation.
Like I said earlier, you ran a good defense; courteous when it needed to
be, and perfectly fine defensive when it needed to be.
I mean, it is called RACING..........not Mark Martining<G> (that'll stir
up any Martin fans in the ng<G>).
> > > Don't blame you :) It was fun; you defended well, but not overly
> > > Just enough to keep it interesting and fun.
> > > -John
> > I ran along time ago on a Nascar Heat Daytona server where the host
> > one rule...YOU CAN"T STAY ON THE BOTTOM. made for one very strange
> > night...pass low but then give up the line...we were like a conga line
> > night...passing then getting passed every turn..
> > dave henrie
> That sounds a little ridiculous. With John I knew somehting would be
> happening very soon when we reached lap 25 (of 30). I tightened my line on
> the straights (I usually follow the recommended racing line which goes up
> next to the wall) and tried to make it difficult to pass on the inside,
> not impossible. He made a really nice pass and got by me on 26 and then at
> 29 I managed to get by him. When we were about to start 30 (right before
> freeze up) I figured I had no choice but to stay low on the straights or
> basically give up the race. What else can you do? I wouldn't leave some
> and then dart in front of him and block when he tried to pass, so the only
> thing to do is stay real low and force him to go outside. Does this sound
> right? In F1 my technique would be different, but I'm new to NASCAR so I
> might not always know what's right and wrong.
> David G Fisher