>>I guess you realize that on a rear-engined Porsche that adding
>>throttle when in a loose or oversteer condition, in general will
>>lessen the oversteer? Also, if you lift off the throttle, you will
>>spin. Both of those things are modelled in this game.
>True, all true. I'm incredibly impressed to finally see this in a
>computer game. Unbelievably fun!
:-)), lift-off oversteer (and possible spins) was pretty well-modelled
on the Carrera in the original NFS game.
Back to Thomas's point, though... While it is certainly true
that that rear-engine Porsches (prior to the late 80s) are best known
for their lift-off oversteer, one should be able to induce power-on
oversteer on the beefier Porsches. Try as I might, I can't get this
to occur on even the GT1-98 (~600bhp SHOULD be able to light up the
rear tires in 2nd gear, right?). For that matter, I'm not even able
to do proper donuts.
Other points: Contrary to what I said in an earlier post,
heavy braking DOES lock up tires. However, there seems to be little
penalty in doing so.
How much fun do these shortcomings take out of the game?
Let's just say the loss is measured in basis points. :-)
Long Live Nigel Mansell!