Screen Anti Antialiasing using a Geforce 2GTS.
I`ve downloaded the Beta version of a Tweak utill that allows you to use
this option at 3dfxmania, or use drivers around or above version 5.22. This
allows you to turn on the Force Full Screen blar blar blar....
The menus melt up the screen to the left hand corner.. but that`s what I`m
looking at now....
Lets just say that I can play Nascar 3 in 1024x768 with all textures on, all
cars on ( 40 ahead ( 6 behind )) 3d sound and the frame rate is flying....
Atlanta is the only track with some slow down....
My computer is only a humble PIII550Mhz with 2x128mb, GeForce2GTS64mb, Sound
Player 1024, plus a heavily moded Wingman wheel.. more on that later.....
Take a look at the link below for a smallish grab of me in the pits......
and see the A.A. I`m also working on some new track features.....