
Shaun Robinso


by Shaun Robinso » Fri, 15 Oct 1999 04:00:00

Has any one else noticed that the people at guillemot are retards. That
and the quality of their support is the s**ts. Remember the days when
you had to fight Thrustmaster off from sending you parts?

My original message;
I was wondering how i would go about setting up buttons 5 and 6 to my
wheel, and a clutch as well. I would like to know what pin(s) i would
have to solder wire to to get the to extra buttons functioning, 4 isn't
enough. Now i know its possible because my friend's flight stick has 3
axis and 8 buttons and it has no keyboard wire splitter and requires no
special setup in the game controllers program. Any help would be greatly
appreciated, be it direct support or direction to someone who can help.
Also, one button stopped working (4) and my bungee cord is feeling
loose. I -have- had my controller for less than a year and i still have
the receipt. If necessary, if not could i possible get a couple of
buttons and one or two pedal springs for when they brake.

Thank you again,
        Shaun Robinson
        BC Canada

Their response;
Dear Customer,

        We are missing important information and we cannot answer you
without them. Please use the support form available on our WEB site.

        It's not possible to go higher than 4 buttons on an analog
joystick like the T2. Fooling with the wiring is at your own risk and
may void your warranty.

        To request parts, you must send us a copy of your purchase
invoice by Email or by fax at: 514-490-0027 with the detailed part you
require and your full shipping address. If you need us to repair or
exchange the products, please contact us at the number below for an RMA

Regards [[Please reply with FULL correspondence]],
Philippe Delisle
Guillemot Technical Support North America
Video/Accessories Division Specialist

Tel #: 1-877-GUILLEMOT [1-877-484-5536] [[Toll Free]]



by Charlie » Sat, 16 Oct 1999 04:00:00

A joystick port has only four inputs for button signals.  With four signals,
it is possible to have 16 distinct values (2 to the 4th power).

This is accomplished by making buttons send more than one signal. (buttons 5
could send signals for buttons 0 and 2, for example).

In order for this scheme to work, the driver has to know that button
0+button 2 = button 5.  That is why you have to tell Windows which joystick
you are using.  It then knows what each combination signifies.

If you find out what button combinations another controller uses, you could
set yours up to emulate it, and tell Windows that is what you are using, but
it might be a bit of work.




by PAUL J NEUBERGE » Sat, 16 Oct 1999 04:00:00

I am sitting here feeling your pain.  My past experiences with Thrustmaster
support were GREAT!
I have a T2 and T1 that are both in need of parts.

I could be wrong but, the wheels and pedals I see in stores now seem less
durable than the old Thrustmaster stuff.


Kyle Steven


by Kyle Steven » Sat, 16 Oct 1999 04:00:00


Not to be an a**hole, but you never mentioned your wheel (regardless if they
make only one);
oh, and never ask a hardware vendor to help customize, sort of like asking
Intel how to overclock your CPU;
tech support doesn't answer stuff like that, you'd need to get to the
engineers, which rarely happens.
Sorry, you tried and failed.  I guess that's the way it goes.

Not Guillemot

> Has any one else noticed that the people at guillemot are retards. That
> and the quality of their support is the s**ts. Remember the days when
> you had to fight Thrustmaster off from sending you parts?

> My original message;
> I was wondering how i would go about setting up buttons 5 and 6 to my
> wheel, and a clutch as well. I would like to know what pin(s) i would
> have to solder wire to to get the to extra buttons functioning, 4 isn't
> enough. Now i know its possible because my friend's flight stick has 3
> axis and 8 buttons and it has no keyboard wire splitter and requires no
> special setup in the game controllers program. Any help would be greatly
> appreciated, be it direct support or direction to someone who can help.
> Also, one button stopped working (4) and my bungee cord is feeling
> loose. I -have- had my controller for less than a year and i still have
> the receipt. If necessary, if not could i possible get a couple of
> buttons and one or two pedal springs for when they brake.

> Thank you again,
>         Shaun Robinson
>         BC Canada

> Their response;
> Dear Customer,

>         We are missing important information and we cannot answer you
> without them. Please use the support form available on our WEB site.

>         It's not possible to go higher than 4 buttons on an analog
> joystick like the T2. Fooling with the wiring is at your own risk and
> may void your warranty.

>         To request parts, you must send us a copy of your purchase
> invoice by Email or by fax at: 514-490-0027 with the detailed part you
> require and your full shipping address. If you need us to repair or
> exchange the products, please contact us at the number below for an RMA
> number.

> Regards [[Please reply with FULL correspondence]],
> Philippe Delisle
> Guillemot Technical Support North America
> Video/Accessories Division Specialist

> WWW:
> Tel #: 1-877-GUILLEMOT [1-877-484-5536] [[Toll Free]]

Sam Mancus


by Sam Mancus » Sun, 24 Oct 1999 04:00:00

Not to mention the software driver would not support the additional buttons
and clutch.

Guillemot will be offering replacement packs for out-of-warrantee gear and
still provides warrantee parts.


Sam Mancuso

Visit The Control Center for the latest PC Game Controller News, Reviews and
Web address:                         E-Mail:

> Shaun,

> Not to be an a**hole, but you never mentioned your wheel (regardless if
> make only one);
> oh, and never ask a hardware vendor to help customize, sort of like asking
> Intel how to overclock your CPU;
> tech support doesn't answer stuff like that, you'd need to get to the
> engineers, which rarely happens.
> Sorry, you tried and failed.  I guess that's the way it goes.

> Kyle
> Not Guillemot

> > Has any one else noticed that the people at guillemot are retards. That
> > and the quality of their support is the s**ts. Remember the days when
> > you had to fight Thrustmaster off from sending you parts?

> > My original message;
> > I was wondering how i would go about setting up buttons 5 and 6 to my
> > wheel, and a clutch as well. I would like to know what pin(s) i would
> > have to solder wire to to get the to extra buttons functioning, 4 isn't
> > enough. Now i know its possible because my friend's flight stick has 3
> > axis and 8 buttons and it has no keyboard wire splitter and requires no
> > special setup in the game controllers program. Any help would be greatly
> > appreciated, be it direct support or direction to someone who can help.
> > Also, one button stopped working (4) and my bungee cord is feeling
> > loose. I -have- had my controller for less than a year and i still have
> > the receipt. If necessary, if not could i possible get a couple of
> > buttons and one or two pedal springs for when they brake.

> > Thank you again,
> >         Shaun Robinson
> >         BC Canada

> > Their response;
> > Dear Customer,

> >         We are missing important information and we cannot answer you
> > without them. Please use the support form available on our WEB site.

> >         It's not possible to go higher than 4 buttons on an analog
> > joystick like the T2. Fooling with the wiring is at your own risk and
> > may void your warranty.

> >         To request parts, you must send us a copy of your purchase
> > invoice by Email or by fax at: 514-490-0027 with the detailed part you
> > require and your full shipping address. If you need us to repair or
> > exchange the products, please contact us at the number below for an RMA
> > number.

> > Regards [[Please reply with FULL correspondence]],
> > Philippe Delisle
> > Guillemot Technical Support North America
> > Video/Accessories Division Specialist

> > WWW:
> > Tel #: 1-877-GUILLEMOT [1-877-484-5536] [[Toll Free]] is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.