You should have got a CD with your ACT labs. Once you've
installed the software go into Control Panel->Game Controllers,
select the ACT Labs (make sure it says ACT Labs, not something
like 2-axis-3-button etc.) click on properties and you have a
4-tabbed setup/test program.
I've never need to worry about calibrating in here as the games
normally handle this. The 1st tab is where you select if you
want to run the pedals separately (split-axis), The 3rd tab,
Gain Settings.
I would recommend you set your settings to :
Overall 100% to start, lowering to 70% when used to
Sping 100% to start, lowering to 70% - 50% when used to
Damping 0% (unless your into body-building)
Default Spring OFF
This is for GPL, but should be OK for other games.
If you are running GPL, here is a popular core.ini setup
[ Joy ]
allow_force_feedback = 1 ; 1=on, 0=off
force_feedback_latency = 0.02
force_feedback_damping = 2.000000
max_steering_torque = 200.000000
Also, you'll need to use the wheel maybe 8-10hrs for it to
free up a little, also try 10-20 rapid side-to-side movements
to loosen it up before each session (in the first 10hrs)
PS. If you have no CD, you can get the drivers from ACT labs
web site www.act-labs.com
On Fri, 12 Jan 2001 14:49:24 -0000, "Dan Leach"