do anything about the "notch" in the center of the wheel. When going
from one side of turning to the other the notch can be a real problem,
and if the calib value at center is even slightly off where the notch is
then its very hard to steer straight. if anybody knows how to smooth
the steering out and eliminate the notch that is naturally there from
the restiance of the springs please tell me. Anyone with a ECCI who
tried to make a diy wheel first could perhaps open it up and give me
some pointers? My wheel is built almost exactly how walt O. recomends
it, only I use springs instead of bungies.
please respond in this NG or by E-MAIL
p.s. please don't say smooth it out by purchasing a ECCI CDS4000 Monza
that thing looks nice but my wallet can't take the $1200+ hit