DIY wheel stuff

William Dahm

DIY wheel stuff

by William Dahm » Mon, 07 Sep 1998 04:00:00

my DIY wheel has been working well for a long time, but I can't seem to
do anything about the "notch" in the center of the wheel.  When going
from one side of turning to the other the notch can be a real problem,
and if the calib value at center is even slightly off where the notch is
then its very hard to steer straight.  if anybody knows how to smooth
the steering out and eliminate the notch that is naturally there from
the restiance of the springs please tell me.  Anyone with a ECCI who
tried to make a diy wheel first could perhaps open it up and give me
some pointers?  My wheel is built almost exactly how walt O. recomends
it, only I use springs instead of bungies.

please respond in this NG or by E-MAIL

p.s. please don't say smooth it out by purchasing a ECCI  CDS4000  Monza
that thing looks nice but my wallet can't take the $1200+ hit

Dave Hawn

DIY wheel stuff

by Dave Hawn » Tue, 08 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Hmmmmm, I get no such problem with my 'homebrew' wheel/pedals!
I tried springs, but found them difficult to find a 'dead cert' center,
I used a bungie in the end in an 'M' configeration to save space, but I
used a double pull technique with pulleys so that the bungie pull's from
both sides what ever way you turn!  Also use a 'mil' spec pot (200k),
not one of the off the peg Radio Shack things. Not only but also, use a
transfer gear (I used two fibre gear wheels) from the steering shaft to
the pot.  That should do it. Easy eh!
Check out my wheel/pedals at Walts site.......
Look and weep ;-)

Dave Hawnt UK

> my DIY wheel has been working well for a long time, but I can't seem
> to
> do anything about the "notch" in the center of the wheel.  When going
> from one side of turning to the other the notch can be a real problem,

> and if the calib value at center is even slightly off where the notch
> is
> then its very hard to steer straight.  if anybody knows how to smooth
> the steering out and eliminate the notch that is naturally there from
> the restiance of the springs please tell me.  Anyone with a ECCI who
> tried to make a diy wheel first could perhaps open it up and give me
> some pointers?  My wheel is built almost exactly how walt O. recomends

> it, only I use springs instead of bungies.

> please respond in this NG or by E-MAIL
> L8er

> p.s. please don't say smooth it out by purchasing a ECCI  CDS4000
> Monza
> F1
> that thing looks nice but my wallet can't take the $1200+ hit

William Dahm

DIY wheel stuff

by William Dahm » Tue, 08 Sep 1998 04:00:00

> Hmmmmm, I get no such problem with my 'homebrew' wheel/pedals!
> I tried springs, but found them difficult to find a 'dead cert'
> center,
> I used a bungie in the end in an 'M' configeration to save space, but
> I
> used a double pull technique with pulleys so that the bungie pull's
> from
> both sides what ever way you turn!

???my problem is solved in any case, I used socks to pad the springs and
that smoothed things out great.  only problem is now my wheel smells
like feet

I have been buying clarostat pots, $15 each.  are the ones u use better
or cheaper?
also, where did u get that go-kart wheel?  I want to make a second wheel
and I don't have another wheel from a broken T2 . . .

not exactly!

Dave Hawn

DIY wheel stuff

by Dave Hawn » Thu, 10 Sep 1998 04:00:00

> > Hmmmmm, I get no such problem with my 'homebrew' wheel/pedals!
> > I tried springs, but found them difficult to find a 'dead cert'
> > center,
> > I used a bungie in the end in an 'M' configeration to save space,
> but
> > I
> > used a double pull technique with pulleys so that the bungie pull's
> > from
> > both sides what ever way you turn!

> ???my problem is solved in any case, I used socks to pad the springs
> and
> that smoothed things out great.  only problem is now my wheel smells
> like feet

> > Also use a 'mil' spec pot (200k),

Sorry that value I quoted above was incorrect, I used 100k pots,
ThrustMaster use 200k, but that can cause calibration problems with some
games if you don't use the TM add on game card!

Just use the best quality pots you can find.

Well, I obtained my Mountney 10" wheel from a 'car custom shop', but any
dealer that supplys 'Go-Kart' equipment should be able to help.

Dave Hawnt (UK)

Dave Hawn

DIY wheel stuff

by Dave Hawn » Thu, 10 Sep 1998 04:00:00

> > Just use the best quality pots you can find.

> Dave (or anyone else!), got any recommendations for a good
> supplier/make
> in the UK?
> The trouble with mail order is that you don't get any idea of the feel

> (stiff/loose etc) from a catalogue!

Well Toby,  You can read the spec. sheet of the supplier, that should
give you a clue + go by price, generally the more expensive the better
the quality!  I picked my components up from a 'Ham/Computer Fest',
these are great place's to pick up all sorts of electronic junk/suplus

Ok, get in the garage and get it finished ;-)

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