Sometimes in South Africa they show the GP's from the American
continent with a couple hours delay as they usually run during
prime time TV. A few years ago I was waiting for the Brazillian
GP to come on and on the news (same channel) directly before the
start of the broadcast, they gave the result.
Since that day I have always kept myself away from the TV and
the Internet in those few dangerous hours between the event and
it's coverage. I have even been known to pay a little attention
to my girlfriend! Only joking, I spend the time playing GPL!
>If you had spent those two hours watching sports news channels
on TV,
>that probably would have spoiled the race for you as well. You
>do that, obviously, because chances are good you'd see the
results. So
>why wouldn't you treat newsgroups (the operative word
being "news") the
>same way. When race coverage is delayed for me, the TV and
radio stay
>off, and I wouldn't dream of reading ras until the race was
over. I
>mean, why would you?
> Doug
>> Thanks alot Luis...Our TV coverage isn't scheduled to begin
for another 2
>> hours....good job....ever hear of the word spoiler????
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