> Does anyone still race NASCAR 2 on NROS?
Scott B. Husted
ICQ# 4395450
You bethca!
Don Burnette
Dburn on Ten
Chad Rogers
> Does anyone still race NASCAR 2 on NROS?
> Does anyone still race NASCAR 2 on NROS?
>Does anyone still race NASCAR 2 on NROS?
John Simmons - Redneck Techno-Biker (Zerex12)
John Simmons - Barbarian Diecast Collector
IGPS (Season 2) Director
If you want to send me email, go to either of the URL's
shown above & click "Send Me Mail" in the contents frame.
The ONLY cool thing about racing on those Oval GPL tracks on VROC is all the
Warpy Fire bursts LOL. Get to see the car's blast into flames then
re-appear LOL. I kind of like seeing the fire heheheh.
Bill / Amish on TEN
Frankly, NROS is getting boring to me. Improvements to the system
ceased to happen about 4 months ago. They can't even fix it so you can
use the current crop of digital wheels...
What's worse, the 'crowd' on NROS has changed. Now, with the exception
of a few dozen I enjoy racing with, it seems everyone wants to smash
their way to the higher skill levels. It's unfortunate that that method
will get you there just as quick as the experience method.
And, the final toothpick under my fingernail is the gross lack of
courtesy on NROS now. All of a sudden, about 2 months ago, very long
practice races started showing up. I'm not sure what instigated this.
You could be in an arena that is full, with people fighting to get in so
you they can race, and all of a sudden 30, 40 and 60 minute practice
races will start popping up out of no where. It finally gets so bad, I
just leave.
What makes that situation worse to me is that there are always EMPTY
servers that these people can practice in. But, no. They have to pick
the most active pickup-race server and plant their asses there.
It sucks.
The whole attitude in NROS has gone wacko.
That's all I have to say about that.