I picked up an 8800GTS on an eVGA trade-up for my 7900GTO, since the
trade-up window was going to close soon.
First off, you can crank some unbelievable levels of AA and AF at high
res on this thing. The Anandtech article was not understating what a
big jump forward this is (on par with the ATI 9700 release).
Unfortunately this is at huge cost in compatibility. Not unexpected,
but there are some major issues with fairly popular games. Some brand
cards cannot even load the latest drivers. My eVGA could use the
97.44's direct from nVidia, but the stupid nTune app refuses to
install. I haven't tested on all my games, but Halo is the first one
with game-killing artifacts I've run into. I may do some extensive
testing as I've got a ton of different games. I just got the card, so
all I've played is Prey, COD2, rFactor, GTR2, RBR, F.E.A.R., Quake 4,
and Halo. Only spent any length of time in GTR2, and Halo was the only
one with immediate, unplayable bugs.
Lots of little annoying quirks in the driver and control panel, too.
Could only get the old CP through a registry hack, and I had to use the
reforce util to get refresh rates to work properly in OpenGL.
I'm trying to find good forum info - nZone has a thread tracking the
current bugs. Luckily if I have anything I'm desperate to play I have
an ATI1600 in my "office tasks" PC, and a 6800Ultra in my media box
hooked to the TV.
If people are genuinely interested I'll update this thread with
anything I run into compatibility-wise.