


by Schlom » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00

I was wondering where I could pick up a copy of CPR in the states.  I know its
kinda old but I want it for the fact that your able to edit tracks plus im
finding all the little annoyances of ICR2 again.  For a while I wasnt running
the road courses but now that I am again I've found the things that bug me all
over again.  I've more or less deemed ICR2 a "track pack" for TPTCC99 and GPL
(when/if the convertor comes out).  But like i said if anyone knows where i
could buy this title I would appreciate it since I have no idea where to look.
If anyone is looking to sell a used copy I'll be willing to buy it as well.


don hodgdo


by don hodgdo » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Try Interact, they often have it ion the used software shelves, I know
that's where mine ended up<g>.



Don Hancock (


by Don Hancock ( » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00

>If anyone is looking to sell a used copy I'll be willing to buy it as well.

    The BEST place in the world to buy (or sell or trade) ANY game without
comparison:  just click on "Games" and type in CART
Racing and you'll see everyone there with that game to offer.  You should be
able to get it for around $8-10.


The Du


by The Du » Fri, 03 Dec 1999 04:00:00

I picked it up for $5 on Ebay.  You might want to check Yahoo auctions too.

-The Dude?
Check out The Dude's radio show on 90.9 FM Indianapolis, B91.
Goodbye Greg, you will be missed.  
Greg Moore, #99 forever.



by Mike » Sat, 04 Dec 1999 04:00:00

>I was wondering where I could pick up a copy of CPR in the states.

You could likely pick it up on eBay for under 5 bucks....

- m.

Mike Holthouse - temporarily from Kingman, AZ
     Please drop both X's to e-mail me.
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