> >The difference may be more resolution from the controller.
> ><Hypothetical numbers>
> >486 calibration 500-1000
> >pent calibration 800-1600
> >On the pentium I have 800 descrete positions of the wheel as opposed to
> >only 500 with the 486.
> >With this info, I wonder how an ACM helps if your range is reduced.
> I have been wondering the same thing. Here is my theory on how an ACM
> and a TSW can improve the situation:
> Can the human body handle 800 discrete positions within 270 degrees of
> steering lock? I don't think so?
> Can most potentiometers handle 800 discrete positions within 270
> degrees of steering lock? I don't think so?
> You can prove or disprove this to yourself in the N2 calibration
> screen. Steer maximum left turn (full lock), then slowly steer to the
> right and watch the calibration number and/or needle. If you ever
> skip a number or if the count ever goes back down, then either the
> human body, the potentiometer, the gamecard A/D, or the calibration
> software just let you down. You also want to minimize the number of
> points where you get A/D flutter. (i.e. you hold the wheel steady and
> the calibtation number and/or needle move between two or more
> numbers).
> You know sawing the wheel scrubs off speed. With too big a range,
> this sawing effect could be happening on a very small scale without
> you even knowing it.
> I don't think this helps lap times. :-)
> It can't be helping the weight transfers either.
> It can't be helping the precise entry of a corner.
> Substitute your own numbers above in place of the 800. With creative
> labs brand sound blaster cards, I have seen ranges up to 1600.
> With factory fresh potentiometers, the negative effects of a large
> calibration range will be minimized. Perhaps the learning curve
> causes steady improvement despite the degradation of the calibration
> smoothness due to the potentiometer wearing.
> I have experienced a jump in performance after replacing a worn
> potentiometer with a new one.
> Now, how can the thrustmaster ACM and a TSW improve the situation:
> With the ACM, you have full control over the calibration range. If
> your potentiometer is wearing, you can reduce the calibration range to
> the point where you do not have glitches on the calibration screen.
> With the TSW which uses linear 100K potentiometers as compared to the
> Thrustmaster's linear 200K potentiometers, the range is automatically
> cut in half.
> Both these reasons support the arguement that a smaller calibration
> number takes less time for the software to read it and slightly
> improves overall performance.
> --
> Best Wishes!!!
> Robert Huggins
> Raleigh, NC
well, all that you say makes good sense on paper.... but... in my
experience, on a slower machine than yours, of course... I find that
with a smaller range, I will invariably find a point in a turn, where my
current joystick position (yes, I said joystick... LOL ) will will put
me down below the apron, yet if I just breathe the other way, it heads
toward the wall. almost as if i can "feel" that minute change between
one cal unit and the next. It seems to me that if I can cut that one
unit into two or more , by having a larger calibration range, then I can
find one of those "in between spots", and a line that I can hold .
but then again... Maybe it's just me. LOL
My best analogy of this is when painting with individual pixels, as
opposed to with a four or more pixel-block. when you break that block
down, you get a higher resolution, and a cleaner line :)
Sit down,,Strap in,,Shut up,,Hang on,,Go fast,,Turn left,,Kiss Trophy
GGGGGGgoooo #3,,,31,,,28,,,94,,,6,,,5,,,18,,,8,,,