Gee, and this poor guy just had his birthday a few days ago (Feb 11th). I'd
bet that if he read some of the rantings in this newsgroup, he'd be afraid
to leave his house!
Why do I have the feeling that someone in this newsgroup, is going to meet
him in the street and flip him off???
John, for your own personal safety. Have Papy patch you in the sim. You
aren't winning any new fans here. :-)
> Just now at the Glen! I know he did it on purpose: I was braking for the
> loop and I could swear he didn't even begin braking 'till after the crest!
> What a dope. At least he put himself out of the race. I thought for a
> while that I was braking way too soon, but I know better now.
> > What has John Surtees got against me? Is it because I'm in a shiny red
> > Ferrari and he's in a Honda? That man is a menace! Everytime I race it
> > seems that he decides to drive into my back under braking. All the
> > drivers seem OK but not Surtees. At the moment I hate the man! He
> > get back to riding motorbikes.
> > Seriously, not having raced in GPL for long, I was wondering if the
> > different drivers have different temperaments. Do some go for
> > overtaking manoeuvers and others drive more cautiously? One things for
> > sure, my trail braking is improving no end.
> > Cheers
> > Phil
> > --
> >