The F9 key issue is discussed in the readme file.
Western States Racing League:
My reply address is false.
Please post replies to this news group.
If you need to e-mail me, it's
scan-man at home dot com
>The F9 key issue is discussed in the readme file.
>Western States Racing League:
>My reply address is false.
>Please post replies to this news group.
>If you need to e-mail me, it's
>scan-man at home dot com
>> Has anybody else had the problem of the tyre temperatures going DOWN
>> a race? And if so, is there a patch yet? I'm trying to play this sim in
>> Championship mode, but have found it the most buggy game I ever tried.
>> System lockups when pressing F9, 100% tape on the nose that would not go
>> away until I rebooted, AI abusing double file yellows, and others that I
>> have just started reading about in this group. By the way, I saved the
>> after qualifying, and the tyre temps go down even after rebooting, so I
>> guess I'll have to miss that race.
>> Steve
Bottom line is you are not the only one to experience this.
Don Merpaw
Team Peregrine
> >thats no bug, Used to do that in N2 also. As weght in car changes and
> >speeds decrease the temps can go down at some tracks. But I am talking
> about
> >10-20 degrees. I remember having tire temps on the verge or red when I
> >hotlapping early in race and then as car slows the temps became more
> >reasonble.
> >--
> >Kevin Anderson
> >---------------------------------------------------
> >DK-Racing
> >#15 K_Anderson
> >-------------------------------------------------
>Bottom line is you are not the only one to experience this.
>Don Merpaw
>Team Peregrine