I have had it. How dare you produce a brain that misfunctions like Mika's
Why didn't you listen to me??? I TOLD you to produce someone who could read
what others have written, comprehend it and then act accordingly. Instead
he makes
the same whiner complaints over and over. Why don't you listen? I know
better than
you do. Never mind that I never created anything myself, that I haven't
spent any ***,
sweat and tears and my own money creating something that I believed in and
offered it to people for an
incredibly low cost, I know better than you and I demand that you listen to
I know that you have spent years perfecting your craft, starting with simple
animals who
had primitive behavior patterns and only one place to roam but you were
limited by the
tools. You slowly improved these beings over the years and allowed your
creatures to gather and wander
over North America, even creating overweight behemoths that roam the
southern states of
the United States! I forgive you for that for now you have seen fit to allow
your creations to
bask in many other places of the world. This is what you worked for, being
able to let your
thoroughbreds run free, with minds that think and an ability to jump and
play like no others
before. I know the joy this must bring.
Well, God, you screwed up with Mika. Plain and simple. Get some new neurons
in this guy's
brain or I won't go to heaven. It's your choice!
Jeff Haas