Would like pros, cons, and any opinions on wheels. I am currently using a
TM grand prix 1, but plan to upgrade soon.
Road Hazard
(a.k.a. Mike)
Would like pros, cons, and any opinions on wheels. I am currently using a
TM grand prix 1, but plan to upgrade soon.
Road Hazard
(a.k.a. Mike)
% Would like pros, cons, and any opinions on wheels. I am currently using a
% TM grand prix 1, but plan to upgrade soon.
Basically you get what you pay for. Before you even start shopping or
comparing figure out how much you want to spend. From there you can
pick and choose. If you are looking to upgrade from the GP1, and are
happy with Thrustmaster, I would suggest making the leap to the
Thrustmaster NASCAR Pro setup (especially if you can find a good deal
for the wheel). If you are on a really tight budget there are some
excellent deals on their T2.
There are at least 2 other alternatives (listed in progressive expense):
o Thomas Enterprises
o Extreme Competition Controls
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./. [- < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> % Would like pros, cons, and any opinions on wheels. I am currently using a
> % TM grand prix 1, but plan to upgrade soon.
> Basically you get what you pay for. Before you even start shopping or
> comparing figure out how much you want to spend. From there you can
> pick and choose. If you are looking to upgrade from the GP1, and are
> happy with Thrustmaster, I would suggest making the leap to the
> Thrustmaster NASCAR Pro setup (especially if you can find a good deal
> for the wheel). If you are on a really tight budget there are some
> excellent deals on their T2.
> There are at least 2 other alternatives (listed in progressive expense):
> o Thomas Enterprises
> http://soli.inav.net/~thomas/index.html
> o Extreme Competition Controls
> http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/extreme
> --
> **************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
> Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./. [- < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=