I agree with these guys, just follow me a minute,
You can actually get on the internet, check email, FIND ng's, and probably
surf the web. If you're above the age of 21, then you probably have more
friends who aren't on the net than those who are.
So, these 2 things probably make you feel very "tech savvy". I agree, you
probably are, probably have a big TV and DVD. If you are so tech savvy that
you would know about getting on the net, to find a track, for a game, which
probably less than 1% of people in the US even know about in-depth, then
don't you think that guys smart enough to actually PROGRAM that game know
that releasing 100,000 copies of THAT track anywhere, especially free with
race program as I heard it, is going to end up getting to the people who
are into their game deep enough to find it? I say, good business move, great
end run, can't wait till N4, I'll buy it.
The other thing, after Daytona, we definitely need flipping cars. NFS does
it, AND looks better in D3D. The perfect blend is out there somewhere,
probably N5.
Not flaming, just expressing a different viewpoint for you to consider,
PS: Don't even own GPL, so no comment there.
> yes, I believe this chap is correct. papy's hands are tied yet they still
> managed to produce an authentic daytona track for nascar3
> and sure, papy is contractually obligated to distribute it with the
> 500 program only - any response they make, to anyone asking for a seperate
> copy or wanting to post this track online, will of course be patterened
> their legal contract with dayton internation speedway.
> it wouldn't look good for papy if taken to court by dis with a fan site
> having an email from papy giving them a "go-ahead" to post this track.
> yet, papy worked so hard they surely didn't forget their fans...in fact,
> opinion is that they want their true fans to have this (why else create a
> demo of a track not even included in the game?) and will take a 'what we
> don't know about can't hurt us' approach.
> so, the question is;
> are you willing to download daytona from a site that has posted it without
> the expressed writen permission of papy, after all - isn't it part of a
> demo??
> -or
> do you want to wait until dis' current exclusive license with sega runs
> and papy works out a license agreement with them to include it in
> nascar5? --hopefully by then cars will also be able to flip.
> > > Say what you want and flame me if you wish, but you know I am correct
> > > here.
> > You clearly have no understanding of the business side of the ***
> > industry, especially related to sports-game which include problems due
> > licensing people and places.
> > FYI, call the Daytona USA store and buy 1 demo of the Daytona track. It
> is
> > legal for you to modify it so you include the track in Nascar Racing 3,
> > Nascar Legends. What do you want more? Papyrus has given you diamonds,
> yet
> > you whine that the plate in which they are presented is silver, not
> > --
> > -- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
> > -- May the Downforce be with you...
> > -- http://www.racesimcentral.net/
> > -- People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't
> realise
> > how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world.