Here's why. I had a k6233, and 800x600 got just the same framerate
as 640x480. This told me the cpu was limiting my framerate to the
high ***s when any other cars were around. I got a celeron 300a going
at 450 mhz and, at 800x600, gained only a few fps. This told me that
the v1 would only do the low 20's in 800x600. Then I switched to 640x480
and now I get very driveable framerate practically always (ok, spinning
'round in a cloud of smoke bogs down). It starts in the high ***s on
the starting line but quickly zips up to the 30's and rarely dips below
25 during racing (except maybe monaco? haven't driven that one much).
>On my system (AMD K6 300 MHz, VooDoo1, 64 MB), I usually get about 18 fps
>at full detail level and 800X600 when no other cars are in visual range,
>no matter what number of AI cars I am running. Only when the screen turns
>to 'snow' I achieve 36 fps.
>I wondered which factors influenced my fps, so I turned off the
>arms/driving wheel. Nothing changed. I changed resolution to 640X480.
>Nothing changed.
>Now I wonder whether those 18 fps are some sort of physical barrier I
>cannot cross with my system or if there is another factor that uses much
>more CPU-time than the factors above.
>Does anyone know more??
>Greetings, Han
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