I've used the editor to raise the FPS for F1GP v1.05. The doc
mentioned something about a FPS>50 causing problems with the password
Well this is exactly true, So I used 50FPS. I also used the GPDamage
Editor to make the card a bit more fragile. But with 50FPS on the
first straight at Monza almost 20-24 cars crash completely and are out
of the race.
This happens every race. When I look at the replay the cars are nicely
running together and suddenly someone steers left or right causing a
massive accident.
Also when I use Replay and look at my own car, I see a completely
other Replay than what I really dit, mostly causing my car to crash.
When I lowered the FPS to 25 again, everything works fine.
My machine should be able to handle 50FPS (P100, 32Meg, Number9 Motion
771). When I look at the processor occupancy it's only about 50% on
Doe anyone now what might be wrong?? Can this be fixed or do I have to
live with 25 FPS :-(