NR2002 at 1600X1200X16 I can't run with all eye candy on and maintain 30fps
at all tracks and situations. (close though) I would highly recommend
upgrading your computer first.
But if that is not an option, I would buy the best video card you can
afford. It will be overkill now, but you can always put it in your new
system. Otherwise, when you upgrade your computer, you will want a new video
card again.
> dammit! One thing I forgot to ask is with my system, would I get smooth
> framerates on N4, GPL, NHL 2001, etc. with all settings maxed, or would
> I still have to tone down some of the fine details?
> > Radeon 8500(128 MB) or GF4 Ti 4600\4400. Costwise I'd go with the
> > Radeon, but would I be better off with the GF card in the long run. I'd
> > even condiser a GF3 if I could find one in Winnipeg.
> > system specs:
> > P3 600
> > 128 MB RAM
> > NVIDIA TNT2 Vanta card with 8MB
> > how do I find what type of motherboard I've got?