I discovered this little anomaly last night:-
If using the PW suffix in the [Sound] line in the .INI file, DO NOT turn
the Messages 'off' in the Configuration menu!!!
I was experimenting , chose to turn them off. At the first instance
where a message was initiated (a yellow flag just after the start) the
game crashed. The 'Fatal Error' message that appeared referred to the
xxxxxPW.DLL file.
I restarted, went into the Configuration screen and turned the Messages
back on. The next time the yellow flag message came up the game
continued to run. I repeated the process (turned them off again) and,
sure enough, the game crashed, with the same Fatal Error reference.
So....if you are going to run the xxxxPW line (instead of xxxxX2) under
[Sounds], BE SURE to leave Messages 'on'!! If you don't want to hear
them, just lower the sound level for that function all the way down: you
will still hear the initial radio 'chssssxxxx' sound but that's all.
One aspect of using PW instead of X2 that I've noticed is that there is
a tiny delay between action and sound when changing gears. This is a
very small trade off for the small improvement in speed during a
start/first corner situation.
(at work)
"Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get
(Jules Renard)