>I am absolutely NOT going to upgrade to Win95 for this!!!
>The MS-CART sim might finally force me to, though... :(
As a long time hold out for "upgrading" to Win95 myself,
I can say that it's not all bad.... especially if you know
how to make a multi-config boot-up menu... (and even though
MS will tell you it did away with AUOTEXEC and CONFIG
files (and DOS for that matter), it's all still there... and what's
more - Win95 handles multiple DOS windows better than
Win 3.1!) :-)
- Mike.
= R.I.P. Scott Brayton: February 20, 1959 - May 17, 1996
= R.I.P. Jeff Krosnoff: September 24, 1964 - July 14, 1996
= R.I.P. Jim Chapman: January 24, 1916 - October 10, 1996