I found it last fall at Best Buy for $20 and found a Strategy guide for $5
and decided to go for it....
I was pleasantly suprised to find that on my PII 266 running a STB TNT 16
Meg AGP video card I get outstanding framerates (so much for the steep
requirements, I guess they were for 1997 technology not 1998/1999) and the
AI isn't all that bad....
Besides it's the only sim to have the Indy 500 with 3d support, as well as
the other tracks on the IRL circut such as Texas, C***te (both night
time!) Orlando and Pikes Peak....
Not to mention the Silver Crown (Silver Bullet/Dirt Champ cars) Sprints and
Midget cars! I have yet to see ANY other sim for the PC offer these types of
open wheel machines!
If you can still find the game, perhaps in a bargain bin, or a used software
store, I'd say go for it!
BTW, There is a website that an IRL fan designed to support the game!
Check it out at....