>On Sat, 24 Jan 1998 19:07:13 -0800, "George Sandman"
>>You know it is really strange that the ones that cant drive fast are real
>>fast at knocking CPR. I have no problem running fast in CPR with the new
>>patch. This is the most challenging sim I have seen so far. And I hear
>>people saying ICR2 is better. Excuse me, I am one of the fastest ICR2
>>drivers you will find but I wont be found racing ICR2.
>George, I have to disagree a bit. I am not the fastest driver at
>ICR2, but I consider myself pretty good. My trouble with CPR is that
>at Australia (my favorite track BTW, if you couldn't tell after that
>qualifying battle in CICC97) is too distracting to drive on. Every
>color jumps out in full intensity. It just doesn't look that colorful
>from the in-car camera shots on TV. The blue banners are so blue and
>the red banners are so red that I get eye fatigue. For some reason,
>the view seems to be distorted, as if looking through a fisheye lens.
>This is not an artifact of my Monster 3D, because it does the same
>when using my Intense 3D 100.
>Now, since the patch I've gotten much improved frame rates with
>spikes near 50 fps WITHOUT the***pit. When I turn the***pit on,
>which is a must for me, my framerate is horrible, usually in the low
>to mid twenties indicated, but it seems much slower. Now, F1RS,
>there's a sim--the understeer model is incredible, but unfortunately
>it still has the same crappy oversteer recovery mode as GP2, where you
>can simply put down the brake pedal to catch your spin much of the
>time. I don't know about F1 cars of course, but in my street car
>(rear wheel drive), putting the brake down does not correct an
>oversteer condition.
>So anyway, I think that CPR is simply missing some spit and polish,
>and I'm looking forward to CPR:2, if there ever is one.
>1997 MIRacing Enduro 24 Champion (co-driver)
>(had to put something down here after that trophy wall you posted)
Dang Clark, Thanks I hadnt put the MIR stuff down. hmmm
ok got to add:
1997 MIRacing Enduro 24 Pole
and all the other races and stuff.
and we both get the Team championship for the year, well after the 24 hr
race in Feb but who can catch us?
But see you know how fast and consistant I am or was in ICR2 right? I am
finding it real hard to even try to run ICR2. I am just having to much fun
with CPR. Btw with the graphics I have on I am running 20 -22 fps and am
having no problem. and as for the colors you can adjust the track and
objects brightness.
I know there is alot of things that still need to be fixed in CPR, but have
you seen the checklist that you can fill out on the Apex site for the NEXT
I got tired of the offline league stuff and was spending hundreds of dollars
a month modem racing ICR2.
Now I plan on running the Enduro Races in ICR2 but dont have any plans to
run any ICR2 leagues. Who wants to race stupid AI. I know exactly where I
can pass the AI in ICR2 at any moment on any track. what fun that is!! at
least I am racing humans that are very unpredictable and, stupid on
occasions but at least they are human!
One thing I hated in ICR2 when I first started driving it, was I would try
to drive it like you should drive a real race car, and found out fast that
you dont ever ease into the throttle or brakes. You do alot of slamming the
gas and brakes to be fast. What is realistic about that?
Clark, you have seen My 1:36.422 lap at Elkhart. It is a flawless lap except
for getting the tires off at the exit of turn 1. Now try getting your tires
off on the grass and stay in the gas in CPR and you will get dizzy real
Now lets look at Long Beach. I am running mid 50's with the new patch in
Pro mode. I can oversteer or understeer the car at will! and if you dont
take care of your tires you cannot get them to last very long at all. So far
I am pushing it just alittle to hard and can only get 40 laps or so on a
set. Why dont you come to the zone this Sunday and watch me win Long Beach
You know Clark, I have been a racing fanatic for many years and dont miss
many races at all. I know, on alot of the tracks where the drivers brake,
accelerate or have to baby it, and where they dont. In CPR you can do the
same as the CART drivers do.
So I will keep winning at CPR untill some of you guys accept the challenge
and come put 110% of you concentration and abilities on the line to run fast
here. This is no piece of cake, unless you use the older ver and use Rain
tires, then it will feel like ICR2.
Now you say F1RS now there is a Sim? Well I havent tried it yet, so I am not
bashing it, but all the stuff I see here in RAS tells me that I wont like it
a bit. No sensation of speed. hey, that sounds like GP2 when it would come
down to a crawl when you got near traffic. Boy it is sure easy to be on the
perfect line when there is no speed sensation. Now this is just one of the
things I have read here. I have since stopped reading any of the F1RS stuff
and I will just try for myself when it is on the shelfs here.
Well Enough of this, I am gonna go put my driving shoes on and run a few
more practice sessions at Long Beach. Hey, ya know there was some guy in
the zone the other day with the name Little Al, hmmm, you think? I dont
know but I tell you if they come here I'll be ready!
fellow Gulf/JAG Team Member
George Sandman
btw, lets do alot of gas and brake slamming in ICR2 and tear em up in the
24hr Race at Sears Point next month.