Check it out at
Kenneth Verburg
Webmaster High Gear
Check it out at
Kenneth Verburg
Webmaster High Gear
A First Look is just some general info and screenshots on a game. When we
have seen some code moving it's called a Preview. We DO mention that on the
site ;)
Kenneth Verburg
Webmaster High Gear
PS - You really might want to change the title, it is extremely
misleading! :-)
>Hmm, pardon me for thinking a "first LOOK" actually included "looking"
>at something, how could I possibly have arrived at such a ridiculous
>conclusion. I should have known to read through the small print on the
>site rather than leap to the obvious conclusion.
>PS - You really might want to change the title, it is extremely
>misleading! :-)
1. first look (implies...a first look. duh.)
2. previews
3. reviews
if you find this "extremely misleading", then you might find your time more
well spent picking lint out of your figgy pudding, putz.
Go see if you can rustle up the family brain cell and grasp this
simple basic concept of language, vocabulary, meaning and accepted
usage. Then after you've had some rest from this massive mental
struggle come back here so I can get another laugh at whatever your
addled grey matter comes up with as it strives for comprehension.
PS - Good to see you back :-)
regarding Jay Wolfe's, um, post:
B O R I N G ! !
--"Computer, send this ill-mannered mama's boy to the Inescapable Zoo of
Virtual Invisibility"
--"Done, Sir!"
>>wallace, you're still a bozo. i checked out the site. here is their order:
>Wolfie-baby, just how exactly would you understand the term "first
>look". The terms "look" and "first" don't imply that someone has had a
>"LOOK" at it, and for the "FIRST" time? If I choose to tuck an
>explanation away on my website of why my sim review section is called
>"Big girl's blouse" (for whatever reason I choose to pluck that term
>from the ether...) it doesn't mean I would be correct in calling it
...uh...remember that stewardess in oslo that you met several years
your basic complaint was that their "first look" wasn't a "preview". they
make a clear distinction between the two.
shucks. i missed you. my baseball duties are beyond the mucho overtime state
so i can afford some time to bang your monkey and pull RAS's own little
crepe-maker's tail. yes, i'm talking about you, ymenard.
p.s. - i hear Big Girl's Blouse 200 is rendition supported AND has forced
feedback. woof.
Not at all. My basic complaint was that their first look by it's very
name implied it was a press release. Had the announcement on r.a.s.
said "New press release up on High Gear" I'd have known not to waste
my time and been cheerful enough.
In your absence you probably didn't hear that a sense of humour is no
longer allowed in the group here. You can be as mental as you like
otherwise, but when you point your browser at this group you check
that sense of humour at the door mister!
It's nice not to take things too seriously...
Oi, trademark infringement!
PS I see the school hols have begun again.