Since you mentioned it, I emailed Metabyte about the ghosting in Janes
WW2 Fighters. They recommended I turn up the gamma (in the game). I was
skeptical but it DID improve the ghosting.
And yeah, the hot keys have come in handy for me with Direct3D games. I
set up hot keys for RE2Flex toggle, Stereo toggle, and Reset. At least
on my system, D3D is flakey so I have to give it a "shot in the arm" by
using the keys to "wake it up" so that it synchs right.
Hey, if you find any Docs on the config files maybe you can post a
notice in this newsgroup - I'll do the same. I think these glasses are
becoming real popular all of a sudden so it shouldn't be "off topic".
> >Yup, I agree, the proper stereo.cfg file must be used. You got my
> >curiosity though - I'll give Monaco a try.
> >Have you tried editing the file? I found the ZPD value can range from
> >2000 to 40000 in different config files. By putting in some extreme
> >numbers you get some interesting results.
> >I emailed Metabyte, asking for some better documentation on the config
> >files and the answer I got was a polite "sorry, we can't provide that
> >info...."
> >Do you know any FAQs on the web that might provide some insight into
> >editing these files?
> I can't find any support for this product other than Metabyte's site.
> One thing I did do under the HOTKEY config is setup the separation hotkeys so I
> can hit CTRL-A and CTRL-Z to increase or decrease vertical separation until I
> get the desired effects. I had to do this on Half-Life to get rid of some
> "ghosting" problems. The GPL Stereo.cfg file worked right out of the zip file
> even though the readme says it was for the Demo only.