DOS 5.0 or...????


DOS 5.0 or...????

by ymenar » Wed, 29 Jul 1998 04:00:00

Doesn't Bruce still use an Altair computer ?  I mean what's more fun of
programming those bytes of data with On/Off switches ;-)

Naw, I think some people still have the "Post-BladeRunner" syndrom (you need
to be a Sci-Fi geek to understand that !).

Any of you ever played with that NASCAR Barbie girl ? I was told she was
nicknamed "Billie-Bubbae-Tamy".  But still DO NOT touch my Star Wars
Luke/Leia dolls !! It's a no-no ;-)

Hanky-panky ?

- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard> Good race at the Brickyard, (-o-)
- Official Mentally retarded guy of r.a.s.
- Member of the r.a.s. Ego-maniac club
- Excuse me for my English (I'm French speaking)
- Excuse me for being provocative (I'm dumb speaking)
- "People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."--

Bruce Kennewel

DOS 5.0 or...????

by Bruce Kennewel » Thu, 30 Jul 1998 04:00:00


> Yes...The huge, untextured polygons are quite impressive, no?

The GP Legends Historic Motor Racing Club  is located at:-
Bruce Kennewel

DOS 5.0 or...????

by Bruce Kennewel » Thu, 30 Jul 1998 04:00:00

Aaah....but I *DO*!!!
I stuff a dirty sock into the speaker hole!

> AND it has a
> volume control, you don`t get that on your pc-speaker Bruce, hah

The GP Legends Historic Motor Racing Club  is located at:-
Hi Im B

DOS 5.0 or...????

by Hi Im B » Thu, 30 Jul 1998 04:00:00

really looking forward to being
able to use 16 colours instead of 4.....the graphics on these new games
are supposed to be brilliant with 16 colours.
Anyway, someone reckons that I really should upgrade my OS to DOS 2

CGA graphics in DOS 1???  Dude, how'd you do it?  You must be a god...  all I
gots is this darn green-screen.  Makes it look like everyone's sponsered by
Quaker State...


Byron Forbe

DOS 5.0 or...????

by Byron Forbe » Thu, 30 Jul 1998 04:00:00

   This confirms it Bruce! Your gone buddy! Seems all the waiting around for the release
of GPL has finally cracked you right up aye :)

> I'm thinking of upgrading my 286 and am really looking forward to being
> able to use 16 colours instead of 4.....the graphics on these new games
> are supposed to be brilliant with 16 colours.
> Anyway, someone reckons that I really should upgrade my OS to DOS 2 as
> it will make the games run better, the sounds from the little built-in
> speaker will be less squeaky and my machine won't crash as often.

> Wadderya reckon, eh?  Yes or no?
> --
> Regards,
> Bruce.
> ----------
> The GP Legends Historic Motor Racing Club  is located at:-

Bruce Kennewel

DOS 5.0 or...????

by Bruce Kennewel » Thu, 30 Jul 1998 04:00:00

Perhaps I'm getting my "GAs" mixed up?  Would it be "EGA"?

> CGA graphics in DOS 1???  Dude, how'd you do it?  You must be a god...  all I
> gots is this darn green-screen.  Makes it look like everyone's sponsered by
> Quaker State...

> Bob

The GP Legends Historic Motor Racing Club  is located at:-
Bruce Kennewel

DOS 5.0 or...????

by Bruce Kennewel » Thu, 30 Jul 1998 04:00:00

Will GPL run on it, d'yer reckon, Byron??
Or should I lash out on a 386 with Windows 3.0?

>    This confirms it Bruce! Your gone buddy! Seems all the waiting around for the release
> of GPL has finally cracked you right up aye :)

The GP Legends Historic Motor Racing Club  is located at:-
Byron Forbe

DOS 5.0 or...????

by Byron Forbe » Fri, 31 Jul 1998 04:00:00

   Well Bruce, the good news is that for some unknown reason they have a software only mode
(non 3D) for GPL so it will run. And better still, you'll be able to make steering/pedal
inputs, go out to the kitchen and put the jug on and be able to leasurely stroll back to the
'puter in time to catch the next frame and make appropriate adjustments on the wheel/pedals.
Great stuff this! Talk about GP2 slowmo.

> Will GPL run on it, d'yer reckon, Byron??
> Or should I lash out on a 386 with Windows 3.0?

> >    This confirms it Bruce! Your gone buddy! Seems all the waiting around for the release
> > of GPL has finally cracked you right up aye :)

> --
> Regards,
> Bruce.
> ----------
> The GP Legends Historic Motor Racing Club  is located at:-

Bruce Kennewel

DOS 5.0 or...????

by Bruce Kennewel » Fri, 31 Jul 1998 04:00:00

I can't wait. :o)

>    Well Bruce, the good news is that for some unknown reason they have a software only mode
> (non 3D) for GPL so it will run. And better still, you'll be able to make steering/pedal
> inputs, go out to the kitchen and put the jug on and be able to leasurely stroll back to the
> 'puter in time to catch the next frame and make appropriate adjustments on the wheel/pedals.

The GP Legends Historic Motor Racing Club  is located at:-
mark jeangerar

DOS 5.0 or...????

by mark jeangerar » Sun, 02 Aug 1998 04:00:00

Not meaning to distract from the original joke but, imagine, in ten years
will we look at Win 95-98 as we now look at DOS 2-5? If so, will GPL look
like test drive?

I'm e***d.


"You don't actually see the side of the road, you just *know* were it is...
and you calmly slide both your outside wheels right to it. Like the bad
mamba jamba that you are."

F1RS -
Remove us here and there to mail me.


>DOS Versions 2-5 were a rip off!  I wouldn't consider them an upgrade at
>all!  Just stay where you are at, you should be able to run any program on
>the market very smoothly.  You may consider getting a 3D accelerator card,
>but that should do it for at least 2 years.



mark jeangerar

DOS 5.0 or...????

by mark jeangerar » Sun, 02 Aug 1998 04:00:00

Imagine this, Goy. I still use a 1040ST every day at work. Win 98 won't
allow me to figure out why the MIDI doesn't work so I've got that damned
8-bit machine (but upgraded to 1 full meg of ram) right there next to the
PC. hahahahaha...   It's true.



>Marc, that does it, I`m trading in my Atari 1040 STe for an Amiga, I`ve
>been using a PC emulator for racing N2 on TEN, but compared to this, I`m
>stunned, I`m sold, I`m ........hooked

>Beers and cheers
>(uncle) Goy
>UncleGoy on TEN

Bruce Kennewel

DOS 5.0 or...????

by Bruce Kennewel » Sun, 02 Aug 1998 04:00:00

Now that *DOES* bring me down to earth with a big WHUMP!

Remember how we ooooed and aaaahhhed over Indianapolis 500 on the 386?!

Yep....I guess GPL will be treated the same in another 10 years!

> Not meaning to distract from the original joke but, imagine, in ten years
> will we look at Win 95-98 as we now look at DOS 2-5? If so, will GPL look
> like test drive?

> I'm e***d.

The GP Legends Historic Motor Racing Club  is located at:-
Hi Im B

DOS 5.0 or...????

by Hi Im B » Sun, 09 Aug 1998 04:00:00

EGA???  16 colors???

Yeah, you'll try to tell me your processor is faster than 16mhz.


Bruce Kennewel

DOS 5.0 or...????

by Bruce Kennewel » Mon, 10 Aug 1998 04:00:00

What's that mean, Hi Im(sic)BOB?

> EGA???  16 colors???

> Yeah, you'll try to tell me your processor is faster than 16mhz.

> Bob

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