Plainly and simply--YUCK! Based on about three hours of time. The menus
are a bear to wade through. If there's mouse support in this, I wish
someone would tell me how to start it. But to the game/sim (?)--
I'm running this on a p133 w/3dfx version installed. As far as I'm
concerned there is very little sensation of speed. This is true from the
lowest detail level to the highest (Ninja, it's called--who knows why?)
with only one car on the track. When other cars are on the track there is
still little sensation of speed, and frame rates take a big hit to boot.
Again, this is true even using the low detail option. I would estimate
frame rates with a full grid and low detail on my machine/w Monster 3d to
be less than 12-15 fps. After running N2 at almost full detail with frame
rates between 25-30 fps, I find F1 to be intolerable in this respect.
There's more. Crappy sound, mushy/twitchy controls (with a TM Grand Prix
1), a physics model taken from god-knows-where, and worst of all, the only
way to exit the dog that I've found is by going through what seems to be a
hundred screens. Turning the machine off and restarting win95 is
honest-to-god almost as quick a way to get back to your desktop.
But it's pretty. Really, really pretty. So pretty, in fact, that I'm
going to delete the 3dfx version I installed and reinstall the Rendition
version to see if that could possibly help gameplay any. But I'm not
holding my breath, and I don't have the heart to try it tonight.
Rest easy, Papyrus/Sierra. So far you're still the only show in town!
Looks like N2 is still king.
Jerry Morelock