>> I'm glad I canceled my order then :-)
>oooooooooooooooh dear.
>> >Overall, I found the MS wheel much better - eager to see a comparison with
>Really ? Can you tell me why ?
>I compared 6 wheels at the ECTS and I thought the Actlabs was WAAAAAAY
>ahead of the rest, the feedback is a hell of a lot more powerful and
>subtle too. The wheel is a lot sturdier and more comfy (its the only
>one that doesnt feel plasticy - is that a word ??).
>IMO the MS wheel was the second best and was way better than all the
>rest (except for the Force RS obviously). And I thought the Logitech
>wheel was easily the worst.
>Anyone ?
Wow, absolute opposite for me- here's something i did for Force-1
www.force-1.com at the time-
Basically- i felt the Force RS wasn't right for me- poor flipper design, and
it felt like the wheel in my car- not a race car.
Likewise, the Logitech Wheel i felt was racing nirvana- superb piece of kit.
As it happens, i managed to get my hands on a Saitek R4 FFB at a sweet deal at
the Flight Sim Show at the weekend ;) and it's now sitting on my desk at home.
However it lakcs programmable buttons at the moment- i've been told that the
software shoudl be ready for that function soon- great- i want a change down 5
gears button--- i keep changing down into neutral by mistake 8)
Well, ECTS is over now, and in between my many meetings I had a chance to
stroll around and sample a few of what the Controller Community has too offer.
Microsoft "Tilt" Controller
Both Intel and Microsoft had these on their stands. If you are familiar with a
Gamepad, well that's exactly what it is. Hooked up to ***'s new Superbike
racing game (which is stunning, and supports Force Feedback in it's own
right), it was pure dynamite. I'm not sure if it is on my shopping list yet-
it felt a little imprecise in this game- I feel it's possibly more suited to
Arcade games, than a sim.
Microsoft Force Feedback Wheel
Microsoft had these babies hooked up to MTM2, and Cart PR- the helpful
Microserf provided the information that the wheel which ship with new builds
of Cart and MTM2 with improved Force Feedback, although he was not sure if the
versions being demo'ed where these or not. In any case, the Force Feedback was
not apparent, and found wanting. The wheel design is solid and feels good, but
with Midi port required (USB "Next year sometime") it's off my shopping list
straight away as I already have a Force Feedback Pro. Nice wheel though, if
the pedals feel a little imprecise.
ACT Labs Force RS
I'd pre-ordered one of these, impressed by the Cartridge system (as I also
have a PSX). The wheel is beautiful finished, solid and has a leatherish feel.
It wouldn't look out of place in your own car. The Force feedback in MTM2
being demo'ed was certainly more impressive that Microsoft's own offering, but
I'm afraid I came away with the feeling that the RS is a perfect wheel for all
the NFS2, Test Drive and the like games out there.
If like me, however you spend your time more in Front of F1RS, or more
sim/racing orientated games, this wheel is out of place- not to say that it is
out of depth, but it just plain out of place. The real weak point is the
hopeless effort at flippers behind the wheel. God knows how you are supposed
to hit those every time. It's nice, and I might get an RS for my Playstation,
but the Force RS is off my PC Shopping List.
Saitek S4 Force Feedback
Hooked up to a Beta of Colin McRae's Rally, this wheel is quite nice- great
pedals, and the wheel is well equipped with both flippers and a right hand
side mounted gear stick. Only two buttons are on the wheel itself, any this
might become a factor dependent on what game you are playing. Steering Lock
feels a bit longer than some wheels, but the wheel feels authentic, and it is
a fine racing wheel- Top 2 for the show.
Destiny Force Feedback
Hooked up to Sega Rally (PC) you do have to from the outset wonder about the
choice of game for demo. It's not a bad wheel per se.... just that the look is
distinctly Mad Katz, and looks well out of place against all the racing
wheels. Maybe a bit too similar to the Rumble Force PSX wheel for it's own
Thrustmaster NASCAR/F1 Force GT
Despite the on wheel stickering as the NASCAR Force GT, (Nascar? we do turn
right on our race tracks over here), this wheel will be shipped to Europe
as the F1 Force Gt. It's basically the Current NASCAR/F1 Wheel with a few
tricks under the plastic covers. Like the Saitek, it comes with both flippers
and a stick.
That is to say there might be a few tricks under there, but they certainly
were not coming out to play. Sunday had the wheel kind of juddering a bit
under Cart PR Steam, but come Monday morning, Jason Sampson (UK Product
Manager) & cronies were beating their PC's in frustration. On Tuesday, the
Monitor and PC seemed to remain switched off all day.
Logitech Force Feedback Wheel
Nirvana. No other answer. Great wheel, not quite so great pedals, but great
wheel. Did I mention the wheel is great? Hooked up on Logitech's stand to
F1RS, and on Ubisoft's stand to F1RS2/Monaco GP Sim, it is pure heaven. Nice
feedback, wonderfully precise input, and got myself a free Joystick (alas not
the Force Feedback Model) for beating 1:31 at Silverstone in F1RS. (My
Flatmate got the 3rd best time of the day, but that's another story).
I have no hesitation in selling a lung to buy this wheel. It's looks, and
feels great. It's precise, nice number of buttons, and great position of the
flippers. All it lacks is the gear shifter (which in moments of TOCA Passion I
prefer to use), but it's simply at the top of my list.
Additionally, while the TM has slipped ;) a loooooong way, the Logitech wheel
is out this friday, and the R4 was out last friday.