irq problems wiyh wheel


irq problems wiyh wheel

by bush » Fri, 03 Dec 1999 04:00:00

here is the problem.  Scanner scsi got hit by lightning and ruined card.
Installed new card and now all of a sudden t2 wheel will not work.  It says
to check the back of computer to see if installed correctly which it is.  I
go into control panel says wheel is not connect going in further says
something about an irq interruption.  Called tmaster they said to talk to hp
but that is like trying to call the president.  Any suggestions.

what i have been doing now is installing the card when i need to use scanner
which isn't that often but it would be easier if they all worked together
like they did with old card.

Peter Prochazk

irq problems wiyh wheel

by Peter Prochazk » Fri, 03 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Sounds like an irq conflict between your new scanner card and your sound
card/gameport. Check out Control Panel/System where all drivers are listed
(Since I've got a german Windows I can't tell you exactly, how it's named in
your version), when you have your scanner installed, that is. If you find a
yellow exclamation mark somewhere in your souncard/gameport drivers and/or
your scanner card driver, check out the properties of the driver. They'll
tell you, what the problem is.
If it's really an irq conflict, you must find a way to assign an unused irq
for one of the two cards (Check the manuals). But this depends on the cards.
Is one of them (or both?) an ISA card? If both were PCI cards you should not
have this problem (they can share irq's normally). If you're using Win98,
you can find free irq's easily with Systeminfo.
If it's not an irq conflict, I can only say "strange..." :-(

Hope, that helps!

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