> > : I goofed, it's a 486/33. I'm gonna get the Pentium Overdrive Processor
> > : to take it up to 83 mHz though...
> > Well, I have a 386DX/33 motherboard with a Cyrix 486/66 chip. If I turn
> > everything off, have Objects to off (not no objects, just objects with no
> > texture) and put Smoke/Dirt on Auto I can get a decent frame rate
> > drawing 4 in front and 2 behind. I can even play at SVGA, but only if I
> > have EVERYthing turned off and only one opponent.
> > I don't think you will have a problem, but a real Pentium motherboard may
> > be equal or less cost than the Overdrive chip. If I were you, I would
> > investigate the price difference as the full blown Pentium motherboard
> > will out run the overdrive chip upgrade.
> > The 'look' is of course just an opinion. I might think it is ok, but
> > you may think it is awful. If you mean can you run SVGA with full
> > details, then the answer is no. If you mean will the upgrade improve the
> > frame rate, the answer is absolutely.
> I have a Pentium 120 with a Diamond Stealth card and still
> cannot run SVGA with ALL details!
I'm running a P5-90 with 2meg DRAM Diamond Stealth. I run in SVGAwith
grass texture off, road texture auto, and everything else on. The only
time I lose the road texture is in moderately heavy traffic. I have left
the frame rate switches in their default settings.