Been playing around with my new MSFF wheel again this afternoon and decided
to give SCGT a quick bash. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to recognise any of
the buttons for some reason (even when they have been assigned to keys in
the profile activator). Any idea what the problem is??
Also, I was a little disappointed with the actual feedback from the game
:O(( Apart from when the car goes off the racing surface onto the grass,
dirt, etc (which with my driving happens quite a bit...) there really
doesn't seem to be much effect. There do not appear to be any forces in
operation going around corners and even if I go slightly offline it doesn't
seem to register, it feels very much as though the force feedback has been
turned off at those times. In N3 \ NL \ GPL I can feel the wheel's forces at
all times so is there something I need to change for SCGT? I couldn't find
any configuration files to alter like there are with N3 \ NL \ GPL....
Many thanks for any help you can provide...
Peter Hooper