Regular viewers will be familiar with the schizoid adventures of Andrew McP in
iRacing-land. You will be sick and tired or reading about his whiney, in-out,
in-out (shake it all about the track) trips to the virtual world where nothing is
free except the speech in the forums... well, sort of. It's free if you've paid to
view them.
Is that free?
In the background I am downloading $90's worth of additional content. The man who
prides himself on doing iRacing on a budget ($20 + $20 + $54-ish + $25 + $90 now =
sh*tloads!) and avoiding the hypnotic, marketing-led stream of iTemptations, has
I could say it's because the Spec Ford Racer has inspired to to feel more at home
there. That wouldn't be a total lie... it's a great car and the racing I've had so
far in it has been exciting and closer than in the Skip Barber, with much bigger
fields than I'm used to.
And ok, it was just noticing that today's '24 heures du fun' race is the SRF at
Road Atlanta which led me to look at buying Road Atlanta again... and of course if
you buy 6 items you get 20% off. And I did want to buy the Mazda just in case I
wanted to shift up to Class B later, and I needed Sebring for the Skip Barber
series, and...
Three little words... slipperly effing slope! The road to Hell is paved with good
intentions, and I *so* intended to just sit back and enjoy the extra dimension the
SRF added to my iExperience.
I'm ashamed of myself! I had buyer's remorse even before I hit the buy button. In
fact part of the reason I actually did it was to punish my irrational self for
constantly *thinking* about buying more content.
But the worst is yet to come. In the background as I type there is a pickup truck
I could defend myself by saying that I have the SR to race up from D where I am now
on ovals. I don't race many ovals, but N2003 is still on my HD and I do enjoy the
whole 'pack racing' thing sometimes. I skipped D class content because they're
nearly all short circuits, and the 'all turn and no burn' format doesn't appeal.
That leaves me with no choice, if I want to try life on bigger ovals, but to buy
the iVan!
Oh well, it's done now.... though whether I'll be too ashamed to take it out on the
track is a different matter. As a pickup truck doubter there is something more than
a *little* hypocritical about it.
Mind you, I'll probably only get to race it once. One or two spins, or get mixed up
in a crash (they're apparently compulsory in the iVan), and my SR will plummet,
sending me back to the Rookie Legends to build it up again.
Pathetic, isn't it? I mean, I don't even want to race 50 lap races! Knew I
should've gone to bed instead of having a look to see if there was anyone racing.
Anyway, now the download's finished. I'm going to go visit my credit card site and
find out how many British sub-prime-pounds my $90 cost. Then I'm going to sob
myself to sleep.
Well, after a few laps at Road Atlanta in the SRF. :->
This is Andrew McP, your embedded reporter in iRac, signing off. May Gawd have
mercy on my soul! Or preferably my tyres. I need grip more than I need eternal life.