was whining that it was all right for him to pirate the converter, because, in
his opinion, it is illegal for the converter to be made at all. The logic of
this escapes a lot of us. I am sorry if I ruffled your feathers. As for being
bigoted: yes, I am bigoted against thieves and whiners. For that I do not
apologize. I would still suggest that the converter is worth it; I bought Nascar
3, just for the Indianapolis track, which is a lot of fun; complete with the
three foot wide brick surface at the start-finish line.
Bill Yowell
> For your info I bought it.
> For your info outside of the US (which is not the only place in the world)
> game rental is prohibitied and it is VERY hard for a french video game shop
> to seel ANY nascar game, they are not even RELEASED in France.
> For your info I use a regular phone line, 56 Kbps so downlodaing a demo to
> get 1 track is not really good, we pay local phone calls here.
> I don't want to buy it online and end up paying 42.99 $ of s&h for a 10$
> game.
> That's why I would like an open-minded, non-bigoted and non-republican to
> help me on this issue.
> Get all this in your Pat Buchanan like mind and gimme a break.
> Et de toute facon je vois meme pas pourquoi j'ai a me justifier vis--vis de
> toi.
> Bon week-end quand meme